Another bird dream

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In this one, me and my dad were at our farm. He'd built a huge house sized cage there and we let about fifty budgies into it with a couple of lovebirds.

Next thing I knew, one of them was outside. I looked up and realized that there was a huge gap between the walls and the roof of the cage, and the budgies were escaping. In my panic I left to find dad, leaving the door open (don't ask me why, I just did!).

When I got back with dad there were no budgies left. They all were flying in a flock over a field of marsh so all I could do was watch them fly freely (knowing they would starve to death eventually) and cry.

Yeah weird.

My whole life is weird.

The picture is Pixel, one of my newest budgies. I currently have a flock of nine!


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