Omg I had another bird dream last night

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This is starting to make me nervous now....I have never had so many dreams about one thing before...until this year I have never had multiple dreams closely either. I used to dream very rarely...

Okay, let me tell you about it.

So I have this neighbor...let's call her "Sarah".

(This isn't part of the dream OK? I'm explaining why I had this dream in the first place)

So this girl has recently gotten herself a budgie from who knows where. She came by my house twice in a desperate attempt to get millet (food for the budgie) because she is so clueless that she doesn't know where to buy the good stuff....

I said I didn't have any millet to give her that day because my entire supply was in my budgies' cage at the moment, so she'd left. That was a couple of days ago.

In my dream last night, I was home, refilling my budgies' food bottle when this girl came by with a small cage. She had her green budgie in it...but what's unusual was that there was ANOTHER budgie inside with it....

I got a closer look and was shocked to see that the other was sky blue with grey stripes. There was no mistake - this budgie was Winter, the female budgie who'd escaped my cage a few days ago.

I'd stared at the girl in horror and said, "That budgie belongs to me!"

She looked at me, panicking and started crying. She obviously didn't want to give Winter back. I think she grabbed her cage and left immediately, because next thing I knew I was alone, planning ways to get Winter back.

The dream shook me, is all I can say. 

I want to hold that girl by the shoulders and shake her till she proves that she doesn't have Winter. 

After I woke up, I thought about how unfair it was. I thought, "If I had an escaped budgie of someone else's, I'd totally give it back."

This is ridiculous. I shouldn't be having dreams over a silly suspicion about a tiny possibility.

Someone save my sanity...

Oh, and the picture is Winter, the budgie who escaped last month. In the picture she is feeding her chicks. That was one of the last pictures I took of her. Her kids survived without her, their dad fed them loyally after she escaped.


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