Yet again another bird dream

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I know. You're probably thinking, "This girl is nuts."

I don't really care what anyone thinks, to be honest. I'll continue to love birds till the very end.

But if you do want to hear about what happens in this dream, you are more than welcome to read on.

In this dream I stand in front of my bird cage at home. I realize that something is chirping from the nest box and I peek in. I am surprised to see a beautiful baby budgie chirping at her mother...who turned out to be Sylvie who I'm not expecting to have kids because of her injured feet....I remember whispering, "Dark Factor blue yellowface pied." This was the mutation (or coloration) of the baby's feathers. It looked exactly like it's father....who I didn't recognize. I do not have a DF blue yellowface pied male in my flock, so this one was weird.

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