Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Evelina's P.O.V.

After my brother finally left me alone, I waited patiently for Lucy to come. Man, why is that girl taking so long? It's not that I'm in a hurry to do something, I just hate to have to wait for people. I'm a very very impatient person, so this is being torture to me. The worst part is that I have nothing to do. Well, I have my phone so I can play some games on it, but still... I'd end up getting tired of playing and then go back to my horrible wait.

Ok, where is she? I hope she has a good excuse for being so late! Well, she went to the bathroom so the only excuse I can see her getting would be having a lot of people in the bathroom or something like that.

You know, it's kind of funny that I'm so impatient. Since my brother and I are vampires, it means we're immortal, we don't die, although we suffer a process of physical changes that is similar to aging. So being immortal and impatient is not a really good combo.

I was now so lost on my thoughts that I didn't even noticed that Lucy had finally arrived and was now opening her locker.

          Lucy: Hey there. - she said opening her locker and breaking me from my thoughts.

          Evelina: Finally! What took you so long? You're lucky I actually talked with my brother -which distracted me for a while- or I would have killed you right now. - I joked with a smirk and she chuckled.

          Lucy: Really? What did you talk about? Let me guess, he wanted something from you. - she said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes with a nod. Even she knows my brother only talks to me at school when he wants something. - What did he want this time?

          Evelina: You're not going to believe it. Remember the sisters they asked us about? Melody and Katherina? - I asked her and she nodded - Well, he likes Melody and he wants me to ask James which one of them he likes, because he thought he liked Katherina, but he's starting to wonder if she's the one he really likes because he never really asked him. - I said with a chuckle while Lucy's eyes widened, making me change to a confused expression - What?

          Lucy: I took a long time to come because I ran into James and he asked me the exact same thing. - she said and I widened my eyes.

          Evelina: What? - I asked again really shocked.

          Lucy: Yeah, really. He told me he liked Melody and asked me to ask Shane which one of the sisters he liked. - she said and I took a moment to process the information when realization hit me.

          Evelina: Oh my god, they both like Melody. They both like the same girl.

          Lucy: James told me he didn't want that to happen because then it'd ruin their friendship, but I know he'll still want to know. - she said and I nodded.

          Evelina: Yeah, I know. Oh my god, we're going to have a big cat fight... Actually, more like dog fight because James is a werewolf and all that, but yeah, we're going to have a pretty bad fight, I know it. - I said and she nodded worried - We better go tell them now. Go to James while I search for my lovesick brother. - I said and we then walked away in opposite directions.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I still can't believe what my ears heard! Maybe since I'm a human and don't have that really good hearing like werewolves and vampires, I didn't heard Evelina well.

But no, I heard her pretty well. She really did say that Shane not only likes Melody too but also asked her to ask James who he likes. Great. They don't only think the same stuff and have the same ideas, they also like the same girl! Maybe I should lie to James and tell him Shane likes Katherina... No, I can't do that. He's my friend, I can't lie to him. And I liked him once so... Let's say there's still a tiny bit of him in my heart so I really can't lie to him. I'd feel too guilty.

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