03 i spot a turner

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"nothing lasts forever, dear"


the hours after dinner were a blur. all kenzie remembered was the tears she'd shed and all the hurtful things she wanted to say to bonnie the brown girl.

she remembered walking back to her dorm and spotting jeremy standing in front of the door. faith slipped into the room to let jeremy and kenzie have their talk. jeremy started to tell kenzie how much he hated her secretive past en the guys that keep showing up without explanation.

kenzie told jeremy that she thought of him as a hypocrite because he was keeping dark parts of his past from her too. and the fact that he didn't tell her about bonnie made her want to scream and beat on his chest and cuss him out in every language she knew.

but their discussion didn't last long. like always jeremy gave in and told kenzie she was right and he loved her wich made her feel appreciated and loved all over again, they hugged just to let go of each other and go back to their own dorms.

the next morning she woke up with a smile and hopped out of bed to get in the shower. "faith! im taking the bathroom for the next thirty okay?!" she yelled to her roommate with the water already running.

"sure take your time. oh and put something comfortable on loser, we're going shoppin!"

mackenzie laughed at faith's goofy words and let the water hit her body. she washed her hair with the caramel apple scented shampoo she got from lexi and maisy for being a good friend in their eyes.

after about ten minutes she got out and got her makeup and outfit set to leave with faith who was already done.

"can you grab my phone for me?" kenzie asked faith who unplugged her iphone from the charger and tossed it at her. "thanks f" she spoke and collected all her stuff once again. they took their keys to leave to dorm on lock.

while walking down to the first floor she waved at people she knew and sped up her paste. "hey listen. i need at least one new pair of vans and one pair of nike presto's" faith let kenzie know to wich she nodded shortly. "same but i need the nike flux's instead of the presto's" kenzie replied and kept walking.

the walk to town didn't take long. when they got their faith immediately had to stop at brandy's to wich mackenzie chuckled once again.

she picked up a few tube tops and stuff to go with it. after about half an hour kenzie had finished shopping but was still waiting for faith who had occupied half the fitting space with her clothes.

the girls left urban laughing and talking about the stuff they bought. as discussed about they went to get new shoes and stuff for their dorm.

to close off their day of shopping they decided to go to the kfc closest to the nike store.

"what are you getting?" mackenzie asked, stepping into the fastfood restaurant to order her bucket of hotwings. "what if we get some hotwings together. we could share them and just get our own fries on the side" faith answered with a smile.

"sure, let me just get the honey mustard sauce with them too" mackenzie spoke to faith who started to place their order. kenzie walked over to the little leaning chairs they have on the walls. she leaned back and slipped her phone out of her pocket.

she had a message from maisy a message from jeremy, and to her surprise her phone showed a message from the one and only gang leader

hey kenzie, i was wondering if you are busy for thanksgiving upcoming weekend? let me know okay! - harvey

her eyes opened wide as she read the message. 'what the hell does he want with me on thanksgiving? a gangreuinion? i think no' she thought to herself. faith walked over with their food and they took themselves upstairs.

as mackenzie hit the top stair her eyes opened widely once again "nadia?" her voice echoed through the top floor of the kfc. the strawberry blonde haired with the freckles looked up and noticed her long lost friend standing. "mackenzie! i hoped to see you" she said standing up.

they embraced each other in a hug and nadia chuckled softly. "i really missed you kenz how have you been" the brunette who was still in shock answered her shortly "i've been fine. you?" she asked her lastly.

nadia let loose of the hug and looked mackenzie in the eye. "i really need to tell you something and it's important" she spoke with a low voice.

"whats it about?" kenzie asked as she quirked her eyebrow and tilted her head. nadia only had one simple answer for her. "johnny, he's coming back to town"


lol this chapter sucks but boutta get juicy ig bye yeet

dt : purplefacey

 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 // jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now