05 thanks for giving

786 59 21

lovin' is easy, u had me fucked up

"kenzie get up! there's someone at the door" faith shakes her roommate awake and sits down on her bed. 

"what fucking time is it?" kenzie asked and got up slowly. "it's twelve-thirty" faith smiled and kenzie pushed herself out of bed. *bell rings once again* "coming!" mackenzie declared and threw on a shirt.

she yanked the door open to find a very happy strawberry blonde holding a letter in her hand. "hiiiii kenzie!" nadia spoke before jumping into a hug with her. kenzie widened her eyes and slung her arms around nadia lastly.

"uh hi, whats up why did you stop by?" kenzie asked. "not excited to see me?" nadia frowned sarcastically. "no! of course i'm happy to see you it was just a little unexpected thats all" kenzie smiled.

"well thats good.. i actually stopped by to come pick you and faith up" nadia said and smiled at faith who was already showing a big smile. mackenzie tilted her head while quirking an eyebrow. 

"uhh, pick us up for what exactly?" she asked and nadia chuckled. "the thanksgiving dinner silly" she held out her hand with was holding the letter and kenzie took it out of her hand. 

"i- i never confirmed i was going to that.. i never even thought about going i mean i don't even know what jeremy's plan was for tonight." kenzie sighed. 

"well thats too bad because i made the decision for you, you two are coming with me to the mansion and we are having dinner at harvey's" nadia smirked slightly and made her way back to the door. 

"i need to pick some stuff up for harvey at the store but i'll be back in an hour. i expect you to be ready to leave by then." she started and kenzie opened her mouth to speak but stayed silent. "oh and kenzie.. read the letter please" 

nadia winked towards faith and closed the door behind her. "yes!" faith squealed "i am FINALLY meeting the gang" she jumped around and laughed for five minutes straight while kenzie was still standing there with her mouth open from the shock.

"i can't go" she suddenly speaks and faith turns her head towards mackenzie. "you need to go?! its THE gang we're talking about you know." faith exclaims.

"you think i don't know that? that's exactly fucking why.. what the hell will i say to them i haven't seen them in a year" kenzie groans and grabs her hair with her hands.

"i want to go it seems fun" faith smiled. "well i don't know what your definition of fun is but i bet this isn't it" kenzie commented.

"just understand how hard this is for me" kenzie looked up at faith. "look at the sides that are positive mackenzie" faith started. "you'll get to see your friends.. and probably eat a bomb ass dinner" she chuckled lightly and mackenzie smiled. "i guess"

kenzie paused for a second. "okay.." she spoke and faith looked at her "okay?!" she asked. "okayyyy" mackenzie whined and got up. "i'll shower and get dressed. when nadia comes back tell her we need to stop by jeremy's dorm first and that i'm almost ready" kenzie spoke and got into the bathroom.


mackenzie knocked on jeremy's door and waited for him to answer, but the door didn't open. she knocked once again and still no response. "hellooo, jeremy?" she asked before sighing and looking behind her. "maybe he went out?" nadia stated and kenzie shook her head. 

"no he would've told me where he went." nadia shrugged and tilted her head "don't you have a key?" she asked and mackenzie nodded. she pulled the silver dorm key out of her pocket and opened up the wooden door. "jer!" she declared and heard some shuffling in the bathroom. 

she walked over to the door and opened it to see jeremy and bonnie standing with towels wrapped around their bodies. they both looked wet like they had just came out of the shower. "uhh what the fuck?" mackenzie exclaimed and looked the pair up and down.

"okay this is not what it looks like i swear i just showered and she showered before me" jeremy reached out for kenzie's hand but she put it behind her back. "so taking showers together huh" kenzie scoffed. "what a joke" she shook her head.

jeremy looked at her trying to come up with a good explanation for what kenzie was witnessing but he knew it looked very bad and he probably shouldn't even say anything at all

"but we didn't do anything! we just showered, separately" he spoke and bonnie grinned. she was looking at herself in the mirror "keep telling yourself that jer, i think she already knows you're lying" bonnie started and turned her head towards kenzie.

"or don't you? kenz..." she hissed. kenzie breathed in heavily and turned herself around so she wouldn't lash out at the girl standing before her. "sons of bitches" she muttered before walking off to the door.

"kenzie wait a second!" jeremy whined and walked after her. "what about thanksgiving?" he asked her and she scoffed. "really? really.." she rolled her eyes and and crossed her arms in front of her. nadia on the other hand was looking at jeremy and nudged faith. "he is hot what the fuck" she whispered and faith nodded.

"i know" she whispered back. nadia shook her head in disbelief. "kenzie somehow always gets the hot guys i swear" she says and faith chuckled. "right" she commented.

"what is there to celebrate? huh?" kenzie declared loudly. "i- i don't know but i thought we could at least have dinner together" he spoke. thats when something inside of kenzie snapped. 

"no, sorry but i am not going to be in hankerbay at all tonight. i'll be in trennville with my old gang" she spoke and jeremy furrowed his brows "what do you mean gang?" he asked and kenzie smirked. 

"you know the kind that kills people, but you can ask your friend bonnie about that since she fucking stalked me and knows all about it. bye now" she spoke before stepping next to nadia and looking back. "oh and thanks for giving me a reason to stop hiding my past, but i'm done with your pickiness" she spoke and walked off with nadia and faith



 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 // jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now