Chapter Twenty-One: Aftermath

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Chapter Twenty-One: Aftermath


I opened my eyes and nearly jumped out of my skin. Decimus was standing not even three paces in the room and he looked bewildered. He locked eyes on mine, and I had no clue what to say. My eyes passed over my clothing on the floor.

“Decimus this isn’t—” Sanctius began, but Decimus cut him off.

“I have a feeling that this is exactly what it looks like!” he snapped, picking up my clothing and throwing it aside in anger. He crossed the room as I was getting out of the bed.

“And your feeling would be incorrect,” I said. “You have no idea.” I glanced nervously at Sanctius, who also got out of bed. Decimus grabbed my wrist and glared at Sanctius.

“You ask us to leave for a month in fear of your life, Sanctius”—he spat Sanctius’s name—“just so you could bed her?”

I twisted roughly out of his grasp. “Let go of me, first of all,” I snarled. “And secondly, we didn’t—”

“What is that on your chest?” he asked me.

I frowned. “What?”

He pulled the collar of my tunic down to a little bit below my collarbone. There was a small, round purplish mark on my skin from where Sanctius might have lingered too long. I turned red. “I’m having a very hard time believing you,” Decimus growled.

“What is going on?” demanded a fourth voice, and Antonia entered the room and gasped. “Sanctius…!”

“NO!” he exclaimed. “It’s not—we didn’t—”

“Didn’t what, Sanctius?” Antonia snapped.

“Mama?” came a fifth voice. Phaedra bounded in and hugged Sanctius, completely unaware of what was going on.

Sanctius bent to be at her level. “Not now, Phae,” he murmured. She frowned, and he nudged her to leave. She took the hint.

When she was gone, Decimus grabbed me again and pulled down the tunic. “She even bears his mark!” he shouted, incredulous.

“Do not touch me,” I snarled icily, shrugging out of his reach. I glanced to Sanctius, knowing that I couldn’t just explain to them why I was here.

“I can’t waist more time,” Sanctius stated, grabbing his bag on the floor. “Believe me or not. That is your choice.”

“Someone please tell me what is going on!” Antonia shouted.

Decimus glared at Sanctius. “You bedded this girl and now you’re going to leave her. Perfect gentleman, Sanctius,” Decimus said, snarky. Sanctius snapped. He turned to Decimus, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close.

“That is the exact reason that I didn’t,” he growled. “Because I’m leaving, because yesterday I was about to be burned to death, because Nero found out what I am! Vespera saved me and now she is a Christian sympathizer. She could not return home safely last night because now she also has Rome after her.” He took a breath. “I am alive because of her.” Sanctius dropped Decimus and he stumbled. Antonia stood there, wide-eyed and teary.

“They what?” she whispered hoarsely. “You were almost burned…?”

“Well, I had the chance to accept Nero’s generous offer and live,” Sanctius said acrimoniously, “but I didn’t take it.”

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