Provenance 2

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        "My case. You're in the way of it, you wouldn't understand." I told them not letting them off with the fact I know they work in the same field of hunting as I do. "Okay, well look. I apoligize. You guys just were stupid enough to be in the way of a hunt." I stated putting away my gun. Pretending to not get the gist Dean furrowed his eyebrows and said," come again?" The tall one gave him a look. "Yea, stuff you wouldn't want to mess with, now go," I told them pointing towards the door. Dean chuckled. "There something funny? Tell me I like to laugh to."
       "No, it's funny how you think you know what you are messing with little girl. If you dont let us go do our jobs, anybody can die." He spat at me rudely. And he was right, I'm the tallest. "Yea, and are you killing these 'anybody's'?"I played along. "No, they are." He told me diverting his eyes at the tomb stones on the wall. I took out the knife that was inside my left boot. I walked up to him and put it tightly against his throat.   
       "Im giving you the benefit of the doubt, shut up and maybe I'll let you get out alive, tell me. What're you doing here?" I questioned seeing blood run down his neck. "Let him go!" The women yelled punching me in the back of the head. A thud escaped my lips. I turned around and spanked both my hands on her chest, gripped her by the collar and smacked her against the wall holding her still by her beck at this point. I put my mouth an inch away from hers as I suck in her chi. "What the hell is that?"Dean loudly wondered. The girl squirmed im my grip running her hands up to my arms and trying to pull me away. As I feed I felt power, like I was unstoppable. However, my moment of dominance was gone when I felt a sharp sting in the back of my leg. My right leg bent and I feel to the side losing my balance. The last thing I saw was the butt end of a gun accelerating towards my face and than it was lights out.                                                        
        Waking up was brutal, my leg stung and burnt like it was being torn off my bone. "Ah, shit." I cursed bitting my lip and my back arching, Hey! Let me go," I yelled hitting the top of a car trunk. "Not cool," I sighed quietly to myself. "Shut up!" I could make the voice tone out to be Deans and that he was sat at the front. After about 10 minutes or so, we came to a stop. "Let me out!" I yelled. Three doors opened then closed. Steps sounded outside and the trunk door was lifted, I was quick to swiftly raise my hand and grab the wrist of the one who opened up the trunk. I took in a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, it was Sam. My hand became waves of red shadows as I intoxicated him with feelings of compulsion. I could feel my eyes changing colors from a hazel to a blue. And it hurt like hell, however I've become accustomed to the pain. "Who are you?" He wondering leaning into me.
      I chuckled, the one thing about humans which makes them so weak is that they're so easily influenced. I smiled as I got out. "Im Nel," I said smirking, I noticed we were in different territory, "Where are we?" I asked him," The new owners house," he said almost in an instant. "Owner?" I wondered since I had no knowledge of an owner and owner of what. "Yea, of the haunted painting. The official one object that is cur-" He was cut off. "Sam! Stop talking!" Dean hit his side."You're a sucubus?" Dean asked. "Yea, you?" I smiled as I looked around to notice we were in front of an old shady house.
         "Hunter." He said. "Mm, congratulations tough guy.". I walked up to him. "Hunter," I chuckled. "What?" He questioned. "You're a pathetic joke that's what you are." I said gritting my teeth as for some reason my anger towards him grew greater. "I hunt things like you." He spat back. A sigh escaped my lips. "Then you know why I was at that mauseleum. We need to get inside that house. " I said as I started walking up towards the steps.
       "What the hell?" I could hear Dean mutter. "Just, roll with it and get the job done." Sam replied to him. " I shook my head at the two, so unprofessional,"let's try and be discreet would ya?" Dean said retorting the suggestion mainly towards me. So of course, I therefore kicked it open. "Hello," I shouted walking inside the dusty old dark place. "Seven hells," one of them muttered and this time I could make out which one. To my left was a living room. An old lady sat on the chair with her back facing me.
        "Evelyin?" Sarah, the woman who had just been tagging along this entire time said while pacing in front of me and reaching out for the lady's shoulder. It took less than a second to realize Evelyin was dead. It was obvious as to how still she was and the tips of her gray hair tinted red was a huge give-away. "No!" All three of us yelled. But it was to late. She had touched the old lady and to my surprise nothing happened at first. But slowly her head starting tilting back in an unnatural degree. Her throat had been had cut all the way to the tip of the spin. Sarah screamed and Sam approached to calm her. My eyes diverted from the uncontrollable woman and at  "the painting," I mumbled. It was a portrait of the entire family, The father, who stood tall looking down to the right of him at his daughter. Her long gold hair laid on her chest and her eyes to were directed towards the right. His hands placed on the shoulders of a woman sat on a rocking chair in front of him. Then a boy, I suppose the son and brother, stood behind the daughter next to a table. On that table laid a pocket sized shaving razor that was placed closed on the surface of the brown small furniture.
      "What can they possibly be looking at? The boy?" Sam wondered aloud as I took the painting down. "There isn't anything to look at except..." I thought I had the answer however at this point we were all having a quick brainstorming circle. "The girl?" Dean suggested making it sound as if not even he had confidence in that hunch. I quickly glanced at him and wondered how he's gotten this far. "It's the only explanation. What doesn't make sense is they were all cremated." Sam told us as I rolled my finger against the repetitive patterns of flowers around the portrait.  
       "Wait, back at the maseleum, there was a doll. The same doll the girl has in the picture. Did you burn it?" I questioned them. "Why would we? It's just a doll." Sarah said speaking up. " You should've, it was in their time where they started using the hair and real pieces of people as accessories for dolls. They used her real hair." I told them pointing at the little girl in the painting. "Huh, " Dean commented. "And hair is the same as remains. It's DNA," Sam said. I looked at him and for a second admired his features. "Exactly."  
        "We gotta burn the doll." Dean said running out the door. We followed behind but had no luck in following because the door smacked closed. "Dean! Go burn the doll! Hurry!" Sam shouted. "Got it!" He responded. Things started flying around the room in the blink of any eye, the lights which were already dim started flickering and I knew exactly what was coming up next. "Find anything iron. Real iron. Pure. And salt works too." He said in a hurry. Little girly giggles roamed around the room. "Why?" The woman asked. "Isn't it obvious? It keeps away spirits." I said grabbing the chimney pokers. Handing one to Sam too.
"Lets play!" I yelled holding the poker firmly feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins. The little girl in a white and red covered dress appeared in front of me and I was quick to swing the iron bar across her head. She turned into thin air, disappearing. For now. "Watch out," I yelled as a piano sled against the floor making noises that resembled a dying squealing mouse. Sam was hit in the stomach and carried by the heavy instrument until he hit the wall.
     As I had predicted, he wasn't beat down so quickly, he couldn't move, but his reflexes were still as fast as a cheetahs. "Behind you!" He yelled. "Duck," I told her whilst swinging my arm all the way back for full horse power. I again swung the girl in the face. Now instead of gigglying she was screaming. All the movement just made my leg, which all the chaos had made me forget about, hurt worse. I grunted.
        "Stay against a wall Sarah. Penetrate whatever moves!" I yelled trying to be louder than what sounded like the screams of burning children. And she did. So I stood in the middle of the room rotating ever so swiftly with my eyes on high alert. There she was again. But she wasn't in reach of my swing. She would twitch and disappear and then reapper. "You're one ugly child aren't you." I said to myself when Sam's crow bar flew through her chest and past me. "I will owe you one later." I said bending my decent leg and using all my muscle force to push it off him. I screamed through my teeth being able to feel blood pouring out of my leg. After he recollected his strength the pain in my leg grew deeper and my vision became blurry. "Sorry Sam," I told him when I walked up to him, put my hands on his cheeks and sucked in his chi.
     I could automatically feel the wound beginning to close and my vision becoming crystal clear again. I was lucky, the only reason the wound was closing was because the bullet went in  perfectly through the back of my calf and out of the front. My eyes darted to the side when I pulled away leaving Sam stood in a daze and I was ready to play. However, I didn't expect little Chucky to be centimeters away from my face when I spun around. It had all happened in the matter of second. My feet tried to retract but my brain wasn't fast enough to process the information, I could see the razor now in her hand completely open and ready to slice. That's when she raised her hand faster than the speed of light and just as the tip of the razor meet my skin, only cutting it enough to sting, she turned into a ball of fire and then exploded into a bunch of little red sparks. And than again, as I suppose the chi I took from Sam wasn't strong enough, my eyes closed and I collapsed.                            
      For the second time in one day I wake up with pain. But now it's not in my leg but in my head and this I was used to. The smell of cheap hotel quickly invaded my nose and my eyes shot open. I furrowed my eyebrows, "this is where you guys stay during hunts? Jesus." I said to the two figures sat on chairs doing whatever they were doing. "Yea, our type of job doesn't really regularly give high pay. Why?" Dean told me. "It looks like a place two secretly dirty grandparents would come and shoot them home made porno's that is why." I laughed earning a chuckle from them both.        
       "So...uh, when are you leaving?" Sam asked. "Im not." I said dropping my duffel bag full of guns on the floor. "And questions, who drove my car here and decided to bring my things inside?" 
"What?" Dean asked disregarding my own wonders. I shrugged a shoulder," hunters should stick together. And plus, we make a hell of a team don't you think?" I told him picking up and apple and taking a bite out of it. Dean clenched his jaw. "Sam, outside a minute," he basically directed which wasn't a surprise coming from his bossy self.
     "Look, Dean, I know we probably shouldn't but this can turn out to be a good thing." The younger brother said as they walked outside. "We can't have her here!" Dean shouted. "Dean, I know she isn't like us but she hasn't done anything to hurt us!" Sam argued. "Sam she is not human! Our job is simple. We find the non human and kill it! Not keep it around as a pet!" Dean shouted sounding very displeased. "Look, she hasn't done anything wrong and she is also hunting, Dean! She does the same thing we do but she just happens to be one herself!" Dean chuckled angrily. "Sam, we find the supernatural and kill it. There isn't a say in this. She goes or I will kill her!" He said furiously. "Dean first of all we don't even know how to kill a sucubus  and would you listen to yourself, you sound like dad but worse!"
Dean chuckled slightly shaking his head from left to right and all of a sudden swinging his right arm and punching Sam in the face,"Dont speak of him like that. Because all you did Sammy, when he was around was pick a fight with him. Now he is gone, not dead though, just disappeared, and I intend on finding him, while you're  sitting around kissing a such bus, what the hell is wrong with you Sammy." Sam spat on the ground the blood in his mouth but acted calmly. "Im sick and tired of you always getting to call the shots, man. No, she stays until she is proven untrustworthy." Sam said sounding done with the argument now. "So you're saying you trust that thing?" Sam smirked,"No, but she stays until she provides us with evidence as to why she shouldn't be here." Sam told him walking away and back into the room.


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