Dirty Motels

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When we arrived to where we would be spending the next five days, I was taken a back a tad bit less than the first time. "Another dirty getaway from dirty grandparents?" I asked. Dean and Sam,"Yep." To tell you the truth, I was scared to even put my duffle bag on the floor. "Okay, but did anyone else take into notice that there are only two beds, and three people?" I laid the big black bag on the cleanest chair I could find, which in every alternate universe was still not even close to clean. "Yep, and I call shotgun on one of them." Dean said as he dropped himself on the queen sized bed towards the right.
Sam sighed at his rude brother. "You can sleep on the bed with me if you dont mind?" He said scratching the back of his head. "Not at all, anything is better then having one of us sleeping on the floor and waking up with an unknown disease in our crotch." He laughed and Dean snored. "Wow, he is a fast sleeper." "Yea, never underestimate the Dean." He said causing me to lightly chuckle. "So, you wanna finish that game?" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The 20 questions." Oh, right. "Yea, sure. Do you mind if we do it on the way to the fast food place up ahead. Its literally in front of us, I'm sorta famished." I anounced. Sam grabbed his jacket,"Me to, lets go."
      "Excuse me, that douchebag over there paid me a 50 to come and give you this." A very not so happy waitress with nothing but a frown on her face told me. She handed me a piece of paper and it read ," Why don't you and I go back to my place? You can bring your friend if you'd like." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. The guy was halfway across the room and I shouted,"Why don't you come back to my place and we teach you somethin about respect, because your mother obviously did a bad job at it." That definitley embarassed him. Sam widened his eyes but then chuckled. But all I got from the strangers around us were rude stars as if I interrupted their tea time with Queen Elizabeth. "Idiot, Tell him we kindly deny." I told the lady. "Yep," the waitress said turning back around his way. "I would think you're the type to ignore people like that." Sam said munching on his salad. "What's the worst he can do, threaten me with a pocket knife, please."
      "Okay, so. Do you have any siblings?" It's funny how out of all the questions in the world he could ask be chose that one. "Actually, I have one. A brother." Sam nodded while swallowing his food. "Whats his name?" He asked. "I never got a chance to meet him. I searched for him. Or tried. My parents never let me. Said it wasn't necessary. But then later, I found out they never talked about him because my mom had an affair. Dad didn't want her to see the baby. Eventually though, she did. On the kids birthdays mostly. I knew it. But dad didn't. The guy she had an affair with. I dont know him. But I want to find out, because I also later came to learn he's my real father." "Oh wow, talk about family rivals. I'm willing to help if you'd ever want to search for me him again." He said apologetically ".Thanks Sam."

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