I Think I Need Help

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"So? Find anything?" I asked a tired Dean and Sam as they walked in through the door. "Yea.  Crafty son of a bitch who killed her cat Mittens. And then whinned about it." Dean said as he almost dived into the bed. "It was a summoning spell. The first victim was so obssessed on finding out the truth about her possibly cheating boyfriend that she turned to the Godess of Truth. Then ran her car off a bridge because the God didn't just give it to her. It slapped her with it."

"Huh. I badly want to say it now." I said as I turned on the TV. "Me too." Dean said looking at me like he was staring into my soul. "Nel, I wanna ask you something. And... I want the truth." I sighed. "What?"

"Is there something wrong with you? And are you still...you?" He questioned. I looked at him, then I looked at Sam. They both looked eager to found out the answer. "The answer to both those questions is yes. I can't lie. I still am me and nothing is wrong. Im just simply trying to toughen up. Step up my game. I mean, I am stuck with you two now. Ever since that thing took over me and I killed all those people. From child to elderly. I-" I stopped to inhale as my eyes watered.

"I can hear the screams coming out of inoccent people begging me to stop. But I didn't. I killed, so many. And my face is everwhere to by the way. Just not in this town but im sure I will be the number one demonic thing being hunted out there. Pretty soon my face will be world wide as the creature who can take lives out of someone's mouth. Hell, I will probably have freakin scientists on my ass. Wondering just how something like me can roam the earth.... I remember winking at the camera's before I killed them Dean. Who does that!?" I yelled as I wipped my face and sniffled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He said as he sat up now. "Nel why didn't you say anything?" Sam wondered. I got up. "I don't like to talk about my feelings. I like to pile things up, bottle them tight and throw them down the bottomless pit I need to have in a life like this. I guess I get it from you." I responded as I turned my head towards Dean. "That's just the Winchester way isn't it? I need some air." I notted as I got up and walked outside.  Grabbing a smoke out of the vending machine on my way.

                                 SAM'S P.O.V

She has to be a hell of a powerful person to be able to lie. I know that isn't Nel. What she said after Cas left outside the other day completely broke down her cover. "Dean. That isn't Penelopi." I told him as I got up and closed the door. "How do you know?"

After explaining what I heard to Dean he was in awe. "What a bitch. What do we do?" He questioned. "I don't know. Did you mention it to Bobby?" He's eyes widened. "Yea. He hasn't gotten anything yet. He says if she's not Nel she's something we haven't seen so far. Do we... Kill it?" He wondered out loud. "No. Whatever it is it still has Nel in there." I told him as something that was said on the TV caught my attention. It was the News lady and she said,"I do love the truth. Yes. It one of my special talents. You know, im an honest little thing." She said as she smiled.

"Hey Dean God's are always attention whores aren't they?" I questioned him. "Why?" He asked. "I think I found it." I said as I pointed at the screen. I heard the sound of wings fluttering,"Your right. That's her. I can see her true form." Castiel said behind me. "Well thanks for showing up when we need you Cas." Dean said sounding pissed. "Im sorry. I was busy. That God is like a cat. It hates Dog's by the way. I have to go." He said all in a hurry as he disappeared. "Great. What do we kill it with?" Dean asked.

"I think he made it pretty clear."

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