Goddess Of The Truth

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I wake up to find myself in another moodless day. I look up and see Sam isn't here and Dean asleep on the other bed. I get up, brush my teeth and put on some decent cloths. "What time is it?" Dean asked as he stretched his arms and legs. "It's about nine. Get up." I said as I gently slapped his foot. "One more hour mom." He joked as he covered his face with his pillow. Sam walked into the room and gave me a small smile,"Morning. Sleep well?" He asked me.

"Yea. You?" He nodded. "What you got there?" I asked referring to the open laptop in his hands. "I think I have a case. A girl named Ley killed herself a day ago. Thats the fourth suicide in a row. Think we should check it out?" He asked. "Yea.... Let's go Dean!!" I yelled as I shook him now. He groaned as he got up slowly rubbing his eyes. "Im up. Im up."

                         AT LEY'S  HOUSE

   I knocked on the door and the victim's sister opened it. "Yes?" She asked. "Hi, Mrs..." Sam began,"Welster."

"Mrs Welster this is agent Andel, that's agent Delfic and im agent Lony, we're here about your sister." Sam nicely said. She opened the door for us to come in. She took a sit on a chair. "Why are the FBI on it? It was a suicide." She said as she crossed her arms. "Its a better, caring program. We like to collect all the information we can." I said as Sam and Dean looked around.

"Mrs Welster do you know anybody who would do harm to your sister?" she shook her head,"No, she was a nice girl. She was having a bad day at the time and I just did what any sister would do." She said as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and shifted in her sit. "Is that really?" I asked her. She nodded. Sam and Dean were now back in the room. "Do you know what a "tell" is?" "No." She responded. "It's a term in poker. Its when you can tell someone's bluffing." I said as I looked at her with a serious face.

She stuttered to say something but then closed her mouth again. "What did you do to your sister?" I said a little louder. She sighed and then burst. "She was having a bad day. I wanted to be there for here. I wanted to say, Im here for you and I love you. But all that came out was, your a burden, just kill yourself!" She sobbed. "Who says that!?" She shouted as she covered her face. I sighed as I looked up at the boys and they were already looking back at me.

"How did you know she was lying?" Dean asked me."It's a gift." I shrugged while smiling to myself. "Let's go get something to eat yea?" I asked as we got in the impala. "Yea." Dean answered as he turned on the engine. "Did you guys find anything?" Sam shrugged,"No, just a Tuba and a very weird looking dog."

                              NO ONE'S P.O.V

   "Hi Frank." A man with a plaid shirt said as he entered a dentist's office. "Hey, Adam, come on." The man in the white coat said as he put on gloves. Adam sat down on the chair and laid back. "How are you?" The dentist asked. "Im good. You?" Adam asked. "Great. You know you and Mary should come over soon. It's been a while since we've all had dinner together." The dentist said as he picked up a needle. A syring with anesthetic. "Eh, no. My wife gives me the creeps. Her saggy old skin makes me want to hurl."

The dentist furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Adam your wife is gorgeous for her age." He said as he stuck the needle in the bottom of Adam's back tooth. "There the hard parts over." He said as he set down the syring and put up the drill turning it on. "You know why I didn't go to that camping trip last month?" Adam asked. "I couldn't stand to be near Melissa." He smirked. The dentist stopped. "My daughter Melissa?" He asked getting angry. The man nodded.

"But then she slept over for Jen's birthday party and it was to easy. I couldn't help myself. I have urges you know. The best thing about it is that I knew I wouldn't get caught. And I didn't get caught." He smiled evily.The dentist almost growled as he shoved the drill down the man's throat. Blood spilling everywhere and he screamed. The assistant walked in and screamed at the sight as blood flew all over her face.

                                NEL'S P.O.V

  "Thanks." I said as Sam handed me a hotdog from the stand. "Yep. Nel, there's something I need to adress with you. And its serious. And I need the truth." He said. "Ok, shoot." "I heard what you_" then his phone rang. "I gotta take this." He said with a huff as he looked at the caller I.D.

                     DEAN'S P.O.V

  I had walked away from Nel and Sam to give Bobby a ring. "Hello?" He asked. "I need a favor." I said not having a lot of time. "What now?" I sighed as I made sure to look back and Nel was out of sight. "I need you to look into Nel's case."

"Her case?"

"Yes. She isn't herself. She isn't my sister. Something's way off Bobby. She doesn't care about us, she's lying about everything and she- she hasn't feed in more then a week. She's a succubu's Bobby. She would be going crazy right about now if that was really her. I think- I think when that demon, or whatever it was possessed her. They took something else too. I don't know what. Just being in the same room as her makes my skin crawl.  Look into it please?"

"I thought you would never ask."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"I lived with her for years. I know when she isn't Nel and I sure as hell know when something is wrong. I know the girl like the back of my hand. Hell, I taught her everything I know. Im on it."

Bobby said as he finished the conversation by hanging up. Well finally. I'm not the only one going crazy here.

                               NEL'S P.O.V

"Hey, you ready to go?" I asked Dean as I threw away the wrapper from the hotdog. "Yea. Sam!" He shouted to him. He put away his phone. "There was another murder. A dentist drilled his patient to death." He said as he caught up. "Let's go." I said. Dean looked at me. "Oh, um. I think I am gonna hang back and do some research. Sam will go with you." Dean said as he patted Sam's back. He clenced his jaw. "Yea, sure."


"Found anything?" I asked Dean who was behind a laptop screen. "Yea. Its not  Gabriel's Horn of Truth that's for sure. Cas stopped by." Sam tensed up. "Really?" Dean nodded. "Then what? A god?" "Most likely. Oh, and we missed a murder. It was the first one before the other four. I'm thinking that's what cracked open all of this." I nodded. "Dean, your on this one. I need a nap." I said as I layed down. I wasn't gonna really sleep. Nor was I tired.

I just thought it would be a little more convincing that I'm still me. "Ok, Sam and I will go. Stay here." Dean said as he picked up his jacket and Sam sighed as he walked outside. Again.

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