Gloomy Daze

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A coral pink girl stayed in her corner of the gloomy dim room, the light coming through the blinds shown the dust dancing in the air. Gentle sobs broke the silence, quiet quivering of the air being trembled as breath being hard to take in after the girls throat hoarse with singeing pain. The sun danced against the walls, her stomach churned, feeling a pit like feeling down deep inside. She got up in a struggle, her breath shaken from her crying. Her eyes dark from the lack of sleep she felt inside, her fingers traced the fabric of her skirt as she frowned with a painful sigh, stripping from her clothes to dress in the uniform in front of her.

Her body tired, her eyes sad gaze dragged across the floor she walked upon. She held her bag filled with her books, 'Why.. is it heavy?' She gave a grunt as she put it on, taking a glance to the kitchen, walking to it and began rummaging through the cabinet, pulling out a granola bar, slipping it into her pocket of her unbuttoned blazer, her crooked collar as her tie lazily put on.

She reluctantly forced herself out her home, the colors drained to a gloomy gradient, her gaze raced across the clearing, a frown forced to a smile, deep down her body ached, her mind aches, her focus tired. Her whole world she held up, she was tired. She dragged her feet on the walk to school, but a familiar voice rang in her mind "Sayori!" She turned around, face to face with a irregular upbeat friend of hers, he beamed "I got a great sleep last night and I feel great today!" He chirped looking to the coral pink haired girl beside him. His smile fell when Sayori seemed uninterested "Sayori..?" She felt fear sink in her and quickly giggled happily "Don't worry, Sora, I Just was remembering something!" She said in a forced cutesy singsong voice. Sora believed the mask she then put up, he smiled and continued to talk on, she acted like she listened, every word he said drained her focus, words flown through her, a large yawn was forced down, she swallowed her input on his constant rambling, she walked her way into the school, putting on her shoes, And leaving to her class.

The day went in a blur, her eyes traced up the stairs as she walked up, the sound of wood creaking under each step, she walked down a quiet hall, the sounds of faint talking came from a class ahead, she slid in front of the door, swallowing down her screams to just go home. She slid the door open, and smiled brightly "Afternooon~!" She beamed with forced happiness, Monika and Natsuki smiled "You're late you know?" Monika put in, Sayori wanted so badly to just let her body crumble, 'I am tired.. I'm too tired to just be on time every second of every day I can't be on time! I'm sorry!' Her words filled her head, but ended up saying "Eheh! My bad! I had to use the bathroom" she smiled as she tossed her hips back and hunched forward slightly, putting her index finger on the other, saying with a slight pout.

Sora just cackled, "Be more punctual, Sayori" he smiled and turned to Monika and Natsuki. She sighed in relief and put down her bag, the weight of it slid off her shoulders, she looked to a Purple haired girl, her gaze fixated on a book she hovered over, her hair pulled back behind her ears. She walked over to her, sitting next to the timid girl "What are you reading this time, Yuri~?" She said interested, Yuri jumped slightly, clearly in her own world when Sayori walked over, oblivious to her presence till made known, she jolted up from her hunched posture, she looked to Sayori, eyes wide in surprise. "S-Sayori.. it's just you. ah.. I... uhm .. I'm reading just this novel, Penpal." She held a finger on her page and used her free hand to close the book, revealing the creepy cover of a foggy mist laying over a forest, and a shadowy figure walking in the midst. Sayori looked at the cover, taking in every detail, before she then asked "What's it about?" Yuri looked surprised, her gaze widened "W-Wait.. you really wanna know..?" Sayori seen the timid girl's world around her open to new horizons as she saw her lips curl in a heart melting smile, "I-It's about this boy who sends a penpal request tied to a balloon. It was for fun of course that's why he did it. but what he wasn't expecting was a response, the letter came a year Later, and ever since he got that letter everything in his life took a tragic turn, like-!" Sayori saw the happiness light up in her dark lavender gaze, the smile she had when she explained what made her smile, talking about novels, to have someone listen to her, but she cut herself off, putting a finger over her own rosy like lips "I-I'm boring you aren't I." Sayori jolted up and shook her head vigorously, with a big smile, a blush hue colored her cheeks "No way Yuri! It sounds like a great book!" She chirped and saw the relief swarm her gaze as she fiddled with her hair. "I-If you want. I have an extra copy. that's if you uhm.. wanna read it.." She said, her voice edged curiously. Sayori looked confused 'She has a copy of the same book?' "Yes please!" She chirped as Yuri beamed once again, this happiness was contagious, the lavender head leaned down to her bag, unclamping the strap and pulled out a copy of the book she was reading.

A Coral Reef's Lovely Sleep //Sayori x Yuri Fic//Where stories live. Discover now