Homemade ShortCake

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They both entered the building inside, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and grounded beans hit there noses, the smell of coffee masking the smells of homemade pastries bringing a smile to the two girls faces.

Sayori approached the counter, Yuri shyly followed behind. Her gaze dragged on the ground in fear of locking looks with someone behind the counter, Sayori looked at the menu as She chirped looking back to Yuri, "I'm gonna get a hot coffee with sugar~! And a cookie~!" She beamed happily, Yuri couldn't resist to smile to the bright young mind in front of her.

Yuri nodded respectfully "I just want a cup of hot tea, with a small pastry of.. gah.. your choice.." she felt her voice slowly fall in decibels as she began her bad habit of hiding behind her violet locks. Sayori purred "You got it!" She turned to the counterman and repeated their orders of choice, Sayori slipping in a chocolate chip cookie into her own order, the man nodded and rang it up with the total, Sayori handed the teller the due and took the receipt, looking at the number.

The two girls sat down at a table, the decoration of the table was lace like trim with a elegant tablecloth, they shared quiet giggles and wholesome conversation. They got their meals, sitting back down in the soft cushions of the comforting seat. Yuri raised the cream colored cup to her lips and softly took a sip a sigh of relief at the familiar tang of the calming taste of raspberry soothed with a spoonful of honey. Sayori purred at Yuri's familiar comforting posture, she raised her sunflower yellow coffee cup to her lips, the hot touch of evaporating water hitting her nose with a small sip, the taste of homemade coffee spilling in her mouth, her shoes tips pressed together in a fit of internal timidness filling her mind.

The two shyly locked gazes and with a minute that could last forever they parted the locked look and let their eyes fall to the tablecloth

*Sorry for the short chapter ><,  it I do hope you enjoy it 83*

A Coral Reef's Lovely Sleep //Sayori x Yuri Fic//Where stories live. Discover now