Granola crumbs

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Sayori sat next to Yuri during the club meeting, chatting about how they can meet up for the project and finish it in no time. Sora and Monika giggled in a corner, before she stood up and got the attention of the group with her projective voice "Time to share poems~!" Yuri flinched, startled by Monikas voice, she smiled and got her poem from her bag, Sayori looked down at her bag and did the same.

Yuri and Sayori looked to each other simultaneously, holding their poems. A deep blush visible on Yuri's rose like cheeks, Sayori smiled unknowingly, they swapped poems, Sayori couldn't help but peek over Yuri's poem to see her reaction, 'A smile' Sayori beamed and quickly read through the poem in her hand, the words were like milk and honey. Perfect, the words came together with a beautiful rhyme to it. "Sayori this poem is so cute!" She beamed with her words, Sayori felt her cheeks burn at smiling to hard, she looked down as she let out an embarrassed giggle before retaining herself to tell her thoughts "Well Yuri, yours is so much better! The way you write is magnificent!" Yuri let out a flustered squeak, before she smiled speaking confidently "Thank you so much, Sayori~!"

They handed their poems back before flusteredly going their ways, Sayori went to Sora, he gave a slight smile, letting it fall as they swapped poems, Sayori glanced through it, the wording was weird, but it was cute, she smiled and giggled handing it back to him as Sora smiled "Your poem looks last minute, silly" Sayori looked up to him, confused "The last line says, 'I want breakfast'" Sayori, embarrassed looked to him, unsure of what to say so she just gave a weak giggle, rubbing her head.

She went to Natsuki, her poem was adorable, Natsuki grumbled and denied the compliment with 'I'm not cute! Neither are my poems!' She went to Monika wearily, her poems are always done in such a professional manner, she will surely hate this poem due to its so called 'Last minute' label, but she was surprised when complimented on its cute manner.

Yuri looked to Sayori and approached her with confidence, "S-Sayori.." the coral pink haired girl faced Yuri and smiled, "Yes?" Yuri inhaled gently, her hands beside her, her gaze turned to the side, her face crimson as she spoke, that surge of confidence quickly lost when confronting. "C-Can.. we work on the project this weekend..? A-At your house..?" Sayori beamed inside, her cheeks burned slightly as she nodded, Yuri smiled in relief and put a hand to her own chest with her free hand handing Sayori her phone to swap contact information.

Sayori practically skipped home on air in joy, she opened her front door and dropped her bag to her room, beginning to pick up her room. Handful of her laundry, tossing them in the basket, picking up the cups of empty noodle packets tossing them all in the trash. She dragged her basket of laundry down the stairs, she panted as she held it up going down the stairs, fear of tripping and getting hurt. She placed her basket of clothes next the washing machine and opened it, hit with the faint smell of laundry detergent, she began to toss her clothes in as she hummed with bliss.

The sounds of water sloshing continuously buzzed in the quiet home, Sayori sat on her couch with a freshly cooked bowl of ramen, steam rising into the air, tickling her cheeks as she raised the utensils to her lips, the hot presence and smell of spices hit her as she slipped the bite in her mouth, the taste of chicken and pepper hit her tongue like a wave hitting the shore. She gave a moan of relief as she swallowed the tasteful bite, it followed with another one as she clicked the tv on switching through channels till finding something in her taste.

Sayori's phone vibrated, the sound of the buzzing against glass with the abrupt stop sounded like nails on board to Sayori as she picked it up quickly, pressing her thumb to the home button, entering the lock screen and gazed at the Notification,

Yuri: Hello, Sayori?🌼

her eyes stopped on the bright flower at the end, she quickly unlocked her phone when she finished her pin lock and opened the message

Sayori: Hey Yuri~! 🐙🌦

Yuri: I didn't mean to bother you if I did, but I just wanted to get a feel of well.. uhm nvm ☺️ what do you wanna do for the project?🌼

Sayori gulped softly and felt her thumbs tremble on the phone's slick smooth screen and inhaled sharply with a smooth exhale, beginning to type

Sayori: Welll- that can wait till you're over here, silly! School is over, it's Friday! My house is down the street in front, be careful crossing the street tho! Then my home is the one with the gate around, it's nothing much but a home is home ^^🐙💞

Sayori quickly regretted adding the heart at the end, 'Why did I do that!? Am I asking for her to hate me!? What the hell is wrong with m-' before she could finish her self hate, her phone vibrated in her hand

Yuri: Thank you sm💜! It means a lot to me to know you're okay with me over~!🌦 you're very kind!

Sayori quickly smiled, her cheeks burned with the continuous smiling, and held her phone to her chest 'Thank goodness'

A Coral Reef's Lovely Sleep //Sayori x Yuri Fic//Where stories live. Discover now