Bubblegum strings

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The meal the two shared was shared with cute smiles and a series of flustered attempts to start a conversation. Sayori got up as did Yuri, how she stood up in such elegance could trick such kingdom of rival royalty. Sayori gulped down her whimper, Yuri flicked her hair behind her shoulder, giving a graceful smile to the coralette. 

"I'm glad we could spend the day together. But is it okay if I leap such a request on you this soon?" She said as she turned a cheek, her face a rosy hue. 

Sayori nodded, curious to what she had to say, "May I spend the night?" She said embarrassed. Sayori gulped down, her face felt as if she just threw her head in boiling water.

"O-Of course Yuri!" She gave a weary smile. Yuri purred with delight, "Thank you so much!" She took her hand and they both left the cafe, Sayori stood under the umbrella as Yuri held it. "Nothing weird right..? I just wanted to stay the night since no one is home.. and I just don't want you to be alone,"  Yuri gave a small smile.

Sayori felt her heart beat against her ribcage, her eyes couldn't focus on one thing. "Thank you, Yuri.. I would love that." She finished her sentence with a bright genuine smile and looking up to Yuri.

They both made their way back to Sayori's place as they both slipped their shoes off and putting up the umbrella. Sayori and Yuri both plopped down on the couch, Sayori still red as Yuri glanced to the flustered girl. "Sayori..? You okay?" Yuri asked as she brushed her soft fingertips against Sayori's burning cheek, earning a squeak. "Y-Yeah! Just not used to having.. well friends over.." She gave a purr.

Yuri gulped softly, "S-Sayori... I'm sorry for this question.." she looked down, her thighs brushed against each other softly as her fingers fiddled her hair. Sayori bit her lip and gave a smile, "Go ahead!" She chirped.

"Can I kiss you?" Yuri smiled as she looked up.

Sayori felt her heart skip a beat. "K-Kiss me?" She stammered.

"Yes..." Yuri smiled shyly.

A Coral Reef's Lovely Sleep //Sayori x Yuri Fic//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat