Chapter 3-Part 1

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Vally's POV

Three weeks after that happened, someone sent a terror mail to Hiccup and Hiccup said "Vally come on. We need to go somewhere, now." I was confused on where we are going and kept asking Hiccup where we were going. "I can't tell you because I know you will fly away," he said. I stopped and crossed my arms. "Then I ain't going," I said. "Ugh, yeah I thought you would do that," Hiccup said. He picked me up off of Lightning and we continued going to where we were going. "I hate this," I said.

We landed at an island and I stood up. I saw my dad standing at the other end of the island and he said "I'm glad you came." Hiccup stopped Lightning from going near the island and Lightning was able to land on the island. I hopped on Lightning and said lowly "Well it's nicer that I'm leaving Viggo." He turned to me and asked in anger "What did you just call me?" "You heard me Viggo, I don't want to stay and listen to your stupidity," I snapped. I flew off and Hiccup just landed on the island. I stopped and heard Hiccup say "Well she is mad at you, that is for sure."

I flew away from the island and back to the Edge. Hiccup followed me and when we landed, Hiccup went to go tell the others what happened. When we went to the clubhouse, Ryker was there talking to the other riders and Hiccup walked next to Astrid. I just stood in the corner and Ryker asked "So how was the little meet and greet with Viggo?" "Yeah didn't go exactly as planned," Hiccup said. "And why is that?" Ryker asked. "Well, Vally definitely hates Viggo for sure this time and I'm not kidding. Vally literally called Viggo by his first name, no calling him dad or anything," Hiccup explained.

"Oh jeez, that no one would ever expected that, probably even surprised Viggo that she disrespected him like that," Ryker said. "What do mean by that?" Tuffnut asked. "When a the parent gets called by the real name of their child, it brings the parent major disrespect. I never really thought I would ever say this but I feel really bad for Viggo right now," Hiccup said. I scoffed and went to my hut.

When I got there, Viggo was standing by my door and I groaned. I went the stables and fell asleep next to Lightning. When I woke up, Viggo was sitting at the entrance of the stable area. I got Lightning up and walked past Viggo without talking to him. Lightning followed me and I went to my hut. I closed the door and someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see who it was and it was Viggo. I shut the door on his face and made Lightning stand guard. Viggo tried to come in and Lightning growled at him. Viggo got past Lightning and walked towards me. "Leave," I said. "What?" Viggo asked. "Like I said, Leave. NOW!!" I snapped. He backed away and asked "What happened to my child?" "You said it yourself Viggo, I ain't your child anymore. Now leave me alone," I said lowly. "You definitely aren't the same loveable girl you use to be," he said. "Thank yourself for that and I'm giving you one more warning, you either leave me alone or else," I said even lower. He left and went somewhere. I closed the door and I went to bed.

"He deserves it," I thought "I don't need him, I only need Lightning and no one else but I still do love him and I need him. What happened to me and why did I do that to him? He doesn't deserve it and I want him in my life." I fell to my knees and put my face in my hands. I cried and my dad probably heard me crying. My dad walked in and said "You did this to yourself Val." "No don't leave me," I said.

"No," I said waking up like I just had a nightmare. I breathed heavily and started to cry. I wiped my tears away and got Lightning up. I went to the clubhouse and saw Hiccup. "Hey Hiccup," I said. "What is it Vally?" he asked curiously. "I just want to know if you seen my dad anywhere?" I asked. "He went back to his camp," Hiccup said raising an eyebrow in curiosity. I went to go find his ship and found his ship not moving. I went down and saw the hunters were all taken out. I got off of Lightning and went down into my dad's chambers. He wasn't there, surprise surprise, and I looked around the boat for him. The hunters came around and attacked me. I heard my dad chuckled and he said "What do we have here? An alone dragon rider with no back up. Get back to work hunters, I'll deal with her." They took Lightning and my dad took me to his chambers.

The Daughter Of Viggo Grimborn: The Separated Family (RTTE Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora