Chapter 5

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Vally's POV

  When Snoggletog came around, me and the riders headed to Berk for the holidays and we had fun. I didn't have that much fun since it was the first year I didn't celebrate the holiday season with my family and Stoick was wondering why I wasn't having fun with my family back on my island.

  Hiccup told him why and Stoick became really mad at 'my dad'. I hated Viggo even more then I did last time I did and didn't change my mind about him this time. I celebrated Berk's holidays without my dad and with Lightning, the only family I have left. I was safe with the riders and when we got back to the Edge after Snoggletog, the place was ransacked. I got the dragon eye from my hut and pulled out a book I had that I didn't like very much. "How to hunt dragons? Why do even have that book?" Hiccup asked. I opened it and revealed my secret key I had in the book. I closed the book and put it back on the shelf. I inserted the key into a box I had and opened it to reveal the dragon eye untouched by anything. "Oh so that where you hid it," Hiccup said. I hid my key in the same book it was in and gave Hiccup the dragon eye. I closed and locked the box that held the dragon eye. "Oh so that's why we couldn't find the dragon eye," I heard Viggo say from behind. I turned to look at him and gave him 'Go away or else I will break a bone of yours' look. His face saddened and he came up to me. "Vally, I still love you and I want you back. I want you to be my daughter again," he said. "How about, no. Now scram loser," I said in a low angry tone. "Please, I need you Vally," he said. "Hmm, last time I checked, I don't care and you don't need me anymore. I'm tired of doing your dirty work Viggo," I said. He growled and grabbed my wrist. "Don't ever call me by my first name again," he said. "Last time I checked, I'm not your daughter," I said. I got out of his grasp and pushed him out my door.

  I shut the door on his face and he said to me "I love and miss you everyday. Please, I want you to come back with me. I just want to have you as my daughter again." "Last time I checked, you are the worst. You only care about your work and you have never shown any love for me. Just leave me alone and never come back in my life," I told him.

  He gasped and went away. I closed the door and heard him start sobbing at what he has done. I scoffed and mumbled "He's just faking it."

Viggo's POV

  "I'm never get my daughter back am I, why did I ignore her? I wish that I could do all over, I would do different, then maybe I wouldn't be here in this position," I mumbled to myself. I started to sob and ran to my ship.

  Ryker wanted to kill her for doing this to me and I told him not to. He was mad at Vally very much and I told him it was all my fault that she was gone and was acting this way. I blamed myself on it and decided to not fix it anyway since I don't have the time nor have the courage. She wouldn't even listen to me and I just needed to give her some space and time for herself.

Vally's POV

  Three weeks after my dad tried to get me back, I was calmer and kind of missed him. "Why?" I asked quietly while standing at the cliff my dad said that I wasn't even his daughter. I saw the beautiful sunrise and a ship sailing towards the island but disappeared in the water. I thought I was just imagining things because it was the longest day of the year even though it wouldn't really have much of an effected on me and just make me imagine things. I saw the ship come out of the water on a dragon and not just any dragon, a Shellfire dragon. I used my spyglass to see who was on the ship and saw it was Ryker. I scoffed and the dragon attacked the Edge. I went to go get the riders and ran into Viggo. I scoffed and continued to go get the riders. He grabbed my arm and stopped me from going any further. I turned to him and he said "Please come back with me, I miss you. I need you and I know you still need me. I love you." I got out of his grasp and snapped "You don't need me, your just saying that, I don't even need you. Just leave me alone." "But-" he said but I interrupted him saying "No buts, you put this on yourself and it is your fault, I'm not your daughter anymore and you aren't my father." I walked away very ticked off at him and he said "You are right, I did put this on myself. Please just give me another chance." "I gave you three chances already and you didn't fix it then nor change so what makes you think that I will give another chance. I hate you, Viggo Grimborn," I said. I walked away in total rage and he just stood there like he was about to fall into a million pieces.

Viggo's POV

  "What happened between you two?" Dagur asked. "I-I don't want to talk about it," I said. I walked away in misery and I was tackled by the Heather. "Heather, let him go. He already lost someone of his and doesn't need the hatred right now," Dagur said. Heather let me go and I went off to the beach. I thought about all the times I had fun with her and when she was my daughter. I just wanted her back and knew that she will never forgive me for what I did.

  I sighed and disappeared from her life for good. I just stayed hidden and didn't want to be bothered.

The Daughter Of Viggo Grimborn: The Separated Family (RTTE Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now