Chapter 4- Part 2

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Vally's POV

He wasn't there, surprise surprise, and I looked around the boat for him. The hunters came around and attacked me. I heard my dad chuckled and he said "What do we have here? An alone dragon rider with no back up. Get back to work hunters, I'll deal with her." They took Lightning and my dad took me to his chambers.


Vally's POV

  When my dad took me to his chambers, he was rude to me and I tried to connect with him. I started to tear up and looked at the floor. I told him everything and he threw me in a cell. He scoffed like he didn't believe me and Ryker came up to the cell. He said "It not cool to treat your father like garbage. I know he was rude to you but you have changed him and yourself for the worse. I can't even stand him now." "But," I said but Ryker interrupt me and said "Neither one of us want to here it." "What have I done?" I asked myself. I started to cry and I put my hands in my face. I just sobbed at what I done to my family, oh wait I have no family, well not anymore. "I should've been nicer to him, I should've accepted his help. Now I have no one. I did this to myself and shouldn't even be alive," I thought. I didn't eat anything nor drank anything and didn't open my mouth. All I did was cry and sulked at that I didn't have any family.

  I rarely did anything at all and the riders rescued me from the hunters. I stayed by the cliff where my dad said that I wasn't his daughter anymore and just cried. Hiccup talked to my dad a lot about me and I don't know if my dad even became worried about me. My dad attacked the Edge and I just sat at the cliff where I always was. I didn't do anything to stop him and he found me at that cliff, crying. "Vally, talk to me, please," my dad said. "But someone won't listen to me," I said standing up. "You probably won't even miss me," I added. I walked of the cliff and my dad rushed to save me but he failed and called my name before I hit the sea. I didn't remember anything after that nor anything at all and I woke up on a beach. "Where am I?" I asked myself. "Your on Defenders Of The Wing Island. State you business here," I heard a male say.

  "Defenders Of The Wing?" I asked "I swear I heard that name before but from where?" "Throk, I think she has lost her memories," a female said. "Who are you?" Throk asked. "That's the thing, I don't know," I said. I was taken in under their wing and some humans attacked the island three weeks after I had arrived there. I took cover and Mala was captured by them. I was also captured by them too and a man with a french cut beard with hair on the top of his head wearing two shoulder pads with spikes on them and had a big sword incrested with rubies (A/N: She is talking about Viggo and she just doesn't know him because she lost her memories) said he wanted to see me. I was taken to his chambers and he sat down in his chair. "You mind tell me why you were on Defenders Of The Wing Island Vally," he said. "Do I know you because I don't know who the heck you are," I said in a sassy tone. "I don't have time for your games Vally, just tell me why you were there and I'll let go back to your cell," he said in an annoyed tone.

  "And why should I tell you?" I asked being sassy. He threw a knife cutting my ear a little and threatened "Just explain why you were there and I won't have to cut more then just your ear." "I live there," I said quickly. He raised an eyebrow and said "Oh I thought you lived on Dragons' Edge." "What's that place?" I asked. He chuckled a little and noticed that I wasn't laughing or anything. "You really don't remember anything," he said surprised. "Meaning that I get a do over of what I did to her but I can't. She will get her memories back and I can't stop that from happening. Ugh I'm the worst father ever," he mumbled to himself. "Do I get to go back to my island now?" I asked. He let me go and I went back to my island with Mala. I wanted to know what he was talking about and I remembered everything that happened. That was my dad and he wanted a do over of what he did. I saw the dragon riders and Lightning. I called for Lightning and he tackled me. He licked my face like he missed me and I hugged him. "I remember everything now. Oh Lightning how I have missed you," I said. Mala looked up at the riders and I said "Mala, there good people. They are against him."

  "I trust you V," Mala said. I nodded and I got on Lightning. Mala got on him after me and met Hiccup. My dad's ships sailed away in the distance and I dropped Mala off on the beach. I didn't fly back to my dad and just sighed in misery. "Something wrong Vally?" Hiccup asked. "It's nothing," I said. I looked at Mala and she said "You belong with them not here, why don't you go back to your real family." "I don't have one," I said. "Why?" Throk asked. "My father abandoned me and my mother is dead. My uncle hates me and also abandoned me," I said. "Who is your father because next time I see him I will beat him up so bad he won't be able to use his sword for a whole year," Throk said. "Yeah if you knew you wouldn't like me as much as you like me now," I said. "We know you are not your dad, just tell us who he is," Mala said in a calm tone. "My dad was Viggo Grimborn and the key word is was cause he hates me and doesn't care about me at all," I said. They gasped and Mala said "Well that was completely unexpected." Me and the riders went to Berseker Island and told Dagur and Heather. They understood what I was going through and I of course had no other family to turn to. My last name isn't Grimborn anymore and I don't know what it will be in the future. All I know is that a new adventure is just beginning.

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