Chapter 1 : Final Battle of Hogwarts (pt.I)

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Draco's POV

time – the battle of hogwarts

At once, cheers filled my ears. I looked around, I was too caught up finishing off a Death Eater that I didn't realise that Potter had killed the Dark Lord. Oh for fuck's sake, his name is Voldemort. No wait. He's Tom fucking Riddle. And no, he's not that almighty pureblooded wizard he said he was. He's a shitty reason for a half-blood orphan. Besides, he's not my lord. I don't serve him. I may bear his mark, but I belong to myself. I belong to the light.

I joined the cheering, until I found my mother and father surrounded by some 'brave' students and teachers. I hurried over. Those fucking wizards think they could kill the Malfoys? Well they haven't met this one.

I stopped dead in front of them. I heard my mother pleading me to stand back, but where's her Malfoy pride? I raised my wand, Professor Slughorn smirked. 'Still trying to defend yourself, my boy?'

I shrugged, 'I was never your boy.' A boy shot a Stunning Spell at me – which I defend easily. 'I wasn't a Death Eater for nothing. Give me all you got, little boy,' I taunted.

'Hold yourselves!' A voice boomed from behind me. I turned so quickly my ankle hurts. 'No, it's alright Malfoy. I'm not going to hurt you,' I heard Saint Potter said.

I laughed, I couldn't hold it. He thinks that I'm scared of him. Scared? Where's the pride in it? 'Malfoy and his family is free to go. They've helped me and I owe them my life.' At this, I broke.

'Yes you do. You fucking owe us, Potter! And no, after this, my mother will have to be able to walk out as a Malfoy, not some Death Eater you help set free. You owe her. You wouldn't be standing here without her, so show her some fucking respect and don't treat her like she's a bitch. She deserves the fucking world.' I ranted. Saint Potter stared, aghast. I laid down my wand. And everyone else did too.

I heard Granger sniffed in the crowd and saying things like, He loves her, he loves her. Yes, I do. I fucking love my mother and if Saint Potter can't give her the respect she deserved, I'm going to kill him. Voldemort might not be able to kill him, but I do.

'It's enough, Malfoy. Your mother is going to walk out of here as a hero. So are you. I present my deepest gratitude for her lies to Tom Riddle for that keeps me alive. Your father however-'I didn't even gave Potter the chance to finish before attacking him with spells.

'MY. FATHER. IS. NOT. A. COWARD!' I shouted, cursing him after each words. 'You say one more thing about my father and you won't see the light anymore.' My wand is high up now and pointing to Potter's chest. He's on his feet again and his wand was raised as well.

I heard my father and mother talking in low voices behind me. None of their wand raised. I felt my mother's hand on my shoulders. I relaxed at once, my shoulders had been so tense ever since the war had started. 'It's alright Draco, your father and I had done some terrible mistakes to these people, we shall pay for it.'

I sighed. My father might be an asshole, but he's the only father I have. I lower my wand. Potter got up and nodded. I turned towards them and hugged my mother. She hugged back, fiercely. My father hugged me next. I fell into his embrace and I cursed suddenly. A body-binding spell hit me and I was bonded. My father was taken away from me. I reached for my wand, but it has fell.

The powerful and elegant Narcissa Malfoy stood, watching as her husband was taken away from her and would soon be brought to their darkest nightmare. She un-bind me and I stood up. I followed him for a few steps before he finally looked at me. His eyes bore into me and I freeze. He has said his goodbye. A few tears fell on my shoulders.

I dropped down, followed by my mother. Pity eyes stared, but I couldn't care less right now. From afar, I could see Professor Lupin and Tonks and one of the Weasel twin. Granger, Weasel and Potter was on the other side of the scenery. Today wasn't a good day. But through it all, some people still managed to be happy.

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