Eighth Year (pt.II)

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Draco's POV

time – a year after the battle of hogwarts

Ever since that conversation with Hermione, we had exchange a couple of nods and smiles along the hallway. We created a silent friendship that no one knows. Potter had been more than fascinating to me, which is predictable. However, that fucking Weasel never spared me a second glance.

It's not as if I cared, but apparently, it is for Blaise and Pansy. The both of them needed acceptance, which I don't really need. After everything that had happened, I don't really care about everything. The very reason I came back was my mother, Blaise, and Pansy.

'Malfoy! Zabini! Would you wait on a sec?'

Normally, neither of us would turn around, Pansy wouldn't either. Students would call us and tease us or do pranks on us. We would care less and just slither away. This time however, Pansy turned. It surprised us, so both Blaise and I turned too.

'Oh look, Potter is around,' Pansy smirked. Blaise nudged her while I laugh. 'Well I'm sorry not sorry, honey. It's the Chosen One after all.'

He came closer, and instinctively, the three of us huddled closer to each other. Potter spotted the movements and chuckled. How dare he. 'I just want to talk to Malfoy and Zabini,' Blaise's head shot up. As he walked closer, I feel Pansy shifting next to me.

'I'll see you boys later,' she said, surprisingly cheerful and she apparated away. Which is totally predictable. Classic Slytherin move. I nodded and looked at Blaise. He, however, paid no attention to Pansy. His eyes were glued to the green ones coming at us.

'There's a Quidditch match this Saturday. It's not between houses or anything, so Ron and I are against each other. I need some members so if you two are okay with it, maybe you can join us?'

Blaise burst into a fit of laughter while I smirked. 'Why, Potter? Can't find any Gryffindor to play with you?' He flinched, but shrugged helplessly.

'Actually, no. I wasn't about to ask you. You're lucky Hermione brought you and Zabini up.' At this, Blaise stopped suddenly. 'It surprised me, too. But you know her, being a determined one. She said you were really good, and truth is, I miss seeing you play.'

In the end, Blaise and I did end up on Potter's team. Had to admit it, we missed playing Quidditch. I decided to stop playing because of the war, the same goes for Blaise, I suppose. And we did win the match against that git Weasel.

But him being the fucking git he is, he said we cheated. Obviously, Potter, Blaise and I, who've by the way became closer because of the practices, defended our loyalty. 'We could've won if those snakes on you team didn't cheat, Harry!' the dickhead shouted.

'Blaise and I didn't do any of sorts and-' I was cut off when an unexpected hex came towards me. As a reflex, I hex back.

'You don't have a right to say anything here, Death Eater!' I heard McLaggen spitted out those words.

'NO ONE CALLS HIM A DEATH EATER!' Harry bellowed. Blaise and I had our wands out.

Weasel looked upset, and I couldn't stop the smirk forming around my lips. 'Oh so you're defending them now? Well, I hope that when they finally betray you, you would remember who help you safe the whole damn world!'

'OH YOU DID NOTHING SWEETHEART!' Hermione's voice on sonorous rang through the Quidditch field. 'AND NO, HARRY WAS RIGHT. NO ONE CALLS THEM DEATH EATERS, OR TRAITORS! MCLAGGEN, YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO DETENTION FOR A WEEK. THE SAME GOES FOR YOU MALFOY! IM NOT LETTING ANY OF YOU OFF!' She stopped to do a counter curse when she's close enough.

But it didn't stop her to scream once she reached us. 'YOU RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY ARE BOUND TO DETENTION FOR TWO MONTHS!' Weasel started to protest but she hit him with a silencing charm in a wink. My smirk became wider. 'NOW, OFF YOU GO. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE CLASSES AFTER THIS! NOW, GO!'

None of us needed to be told twice. Blaise, Harry and I laughing all the way to our own common rooms.

Well, isn't this the start of something new?

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