End of Romione

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Hermione's POV

time – a year after the battle of hogwarts

After the Quidditch match, Ron wouldn't talk to me. Harry, apparently, is going through the silent treatment too. The reason behind all this? Pretty obvious, really, because we had defended Malfoy- no Draco. It wasn't really of a big problem; it's just Ron doesn't like to lose. In that case, everyone hates losing.

'Would you just talk to me?' I asked, finally getting impatient with him.

'Well, should I really? I mean, it's you who started talking to the snake, you can't really blame me,' Ron shrugged, his words felt like venom. It stung the way he meant it to be.

'Just because he won and you lost, and I merely congratulated him, you're mad at me now?' I reasoned, my patient running out by the very moment.

'You'd rather date him, don't you? You'd rather date a snake than me! Well go on then, date him, I could do so much better than you anyway, worthless mudblood!' I realised it before he did, but it was too late. Ron looked horrified. 'No, oh my. Hermione- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it to be like that. I didn't-'

I stopped him. 'No, you're right. You're excellent actually. I would obviously rather date Malfoy than you. You're a worthless git. Should've known. And by the way, he's not a snake, really. He's a prince.' Everyone in the Great Hall is watching now. I don't really care. I'm not stopping.

'And no, stop taking credits for what you've done for the world. Harry saved it, you didn't. We merely helped him. I'm not taking any of the credits, and you shouldn't too. Ever since the war, you've became an attention seeker. You disgust me.' Ron was dumbfounded. Harry could only stare at me. From the Slytherin table, I could see Blaise and Pansy shuffling uneasily in their chairs. Draco, however, was boring his stormy grey eyes into my chocolate brown ones.

'Should I even start with you? You never treated me right. I guess that's because you think I've been treated worse. Truthfully, you ARE the worst, Ronald. At first, you really do love me, this I know. Then, you start to love me for my body, for the attention and you don't love me for who I am. You don't respect my privacy the way you should've. That's right. I despise you. We're done. We're never anything from the beginning any way.'

And I left. I ran and ran until my feet can't take me no longer. I dropped into soft sand as I take in the view. I've ran till the Black Lake. So I sat there, and I cried. First, I cried for Ron. Then, I cried for us. And I cried for Draco. I cried and I cried till all my tears dried.

It was Ginny who found me, later that evening. She wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I tensed right away. She didn't take me away. She sat there with me. Repeating the same words over and over again.

He's not worth it.

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