Chapter 2 : Final Battle of Hogwarts (pt.II)

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Hermione's POV

time - the battle of hogwarts

Harry had won. Light has conquered the dark. We're no longer living in fear. Students of every year crowded us, mostly trying to congratulate Harry. But not little try to congratulate Ron and I too. We smiled, that's when I saw Draco and his mother. They looked as if they had been crying.

I saw Kingsley and decided to ask him what happened. 'Hey, Kingsley! I need to ask you something,' I said as I motioned him to come over. He nodded and started towards me. Even after knowing him for a long time, I still get charmed by him. He seemed so respected.

'Yes, dear?' He asked calmly.

I pointed at Draco and Narcissa. 'What's going on with them? And where's Lucius?'

Kingsley shook his head. 'We had to, Hermione. If we hadn't, I wouldn't give out the order,' he sighed. I stared, not understanding. 'Some Death Eaters, even if they fought along with us, they still did huge mistakes. They kill people Hermione.' Kingsley stopped when he saw my pleading face. 'I'm sorry, but they've hurt so many people, Muggles and wizards alike. Mr. Malfoy has to go. I'm sorry,' he said and walked away.

My shoulders dropped. Losing Lucius must be hard for the both of them. I braced myself, then I started towards them. It was dreading really, because even if Draco did that. Even if Narcissa lied for the light. They were still the Malfoys. They praised pureblood wizardy more than anything. And I'm here, as a mudblood walking towards them.

Narcissa saw me first. She looked up and shook Draco's shoulder. He turned and my breath hitched. 'Do you need anything?' I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. I figured I failed doing that, Draco knew.

'If you're afraid of us, why are you talking to us? Just so you can be thought of highly? Because you pity the bad? You have a crowd of admirers over there, Granger. You can end our suffering right now and get the fuck out of here!' Draco shouted.

'Draco, no. I don't mean any of that,' I tried reasoning with him. 'I knew what happened. I'm so sorry about Lu-' But I didn't get to finish.

'You don't know what happen, you will never know because you don't give a fuck about us! Just stop it Granger. You have no idea. Just get out of here. And I'm Draco to you now? Since when am I not ferret or something?' He shouted some more.

'I'm so sorry Draco. You're right. I won't know what it feels like because you never told me and you can never open up to at least let someone in. I will certainly leave. Stay safe, Mrs. Malfoy,' I said as I backed away.

Draco looked up at me. We stared at each other for a few moments before I looked away. I turned around and started walking towards Harry and Ron. 'Always, Hermione,' I heard him said. When I looked back, he was gone, and so was Narcissa Malfoy.

I never saw them since then. Gone was my hope for a truce. Gone was my hope for him. But the way he said my name never leaves my thoughts. Always, Hermione. And in my mind, I replied, Always, Draco.

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