Eighth Year (pt.I)

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Hermione's POV

time – a year after the battle of hogwarts

A new year, a new start. At least, that's what I hope. Even though by the look on Ron's face, we know he isn't very glad to come back. Surprisingly, Harry didn't either. Both had simply said that there were too many bad memories there. I had a feeling it was because if a different reason. I didn't push further. The trip to King Cross went silent. I looked out the window.

We arrived shortly. Mrs. Weasley hurried us off the car and take us to Platform 9¾. People stared, I guess that's what you get for saving the freaking wizarding world. Ginny tagged along with us, earning more glances from sneaky eyes. Harry was protective though, he held her close. Ron was awfully close to me, even when I said I didn't mind, it was disturbing. We weren't exactly together, but we aren't only friends as well.

We bid our last goodbye and entered Hogwarts Express. Earlier this summer, I got my letter that said that I was the Head Girl for the year. I smiled as we reached our compartment, exiting it right away. Harry looked at me, questioning. 'I'm Head Girl. I need to meet McGonagall; I'll be back soon.'

Ron frowned, 'Tell me who the Head Boy is. I'm not letting you sleep in a dorm with a snake.' I shook my head and left. I headed to McGonagall right away. In her compartment, I saw somebody else was in the room already.

When Professor McGonagall spotted me, she greeted me. 'Good morning to you too, Ms. Granger. Now would you sit right here next to Mr. Malfoy?'

'M-Malfoy?' I stammered, my breath hitching.

'Well yes, now please sit down.' I sat down in an instant, ignoring Malfoy at all cost. His eyes were glued to the floor. McGonagall might have sensed that we weren't going to greet each other so she continued.

'I know that this is beyond insane, choosing the both of you as Head Girl and Boy, but I have my own reasons,' I opened my mouth to speak but she held her hands to stop me. 'I am not done yet, Ms. Granger. As I said, I have my own reasons. I personally think that choosing the both of you might come in handy in problems,' Professor McGonagall emphasised on problems. At that, both Malfoy and I cringed.

There is no secret that Gryffindor and Slytherin are nemesis. McGonagall knew this, and she put the both of us in charge. She hoped we can change the relationship between the two house. And in silence, I knew that Malfoy too think that we wouldn't be able to do that.

I left the compartment soon and tried to find the Head Girl and Head Boy's compartment. It wasn't so far away so I decided to check it out. Inside, I found Malfoy sitting, his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking. He looked a mess.

'How did you get here so fast?' I asked.

He looked up, his eyes were red and swollen. I felt like crying suddenly. What? What is wrong with me? He wiped his tears. 'I disapparated from McGonagall's, I couldn't think of any other place,' he stopped. 'Why are you here, Granger?' I must've looked shocked because he said, 'No, no. I didn't mean to. This is your compartment after all. I'm sorry.'

I cringed at that. He didn't seem to realise that he let it slip. 'I need some space,' I said. 'And, pardon me, but did you just say sorry? I mean, Draco Malfoy saying sorry?' I couldn't help but smirked. I saw him frowned as he shuffled on his feet and get out of the compartment.

'You're lucky I don't obliviate you, Granger.'

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