First Strike

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Ding! The clang of the school bell raked up the leaves of my daydream. Uh-oh! I better get to next class. Too bad it's down in the 100 wing. Can. Not. Stand that place. Creepy. I gathered my things and scurried down to my next class. My teacher's name was Miss Hokō. Currently single and has terrible bad luck. I felt so sorry for her. Well, that ends with my crisis dueling thinking.

Bam! I bumped into the meanest, snobbiest girl in school, Nioko Sakarya. Her parents are the richest in Yaakichi Prefecture and her grandmother runs the elementary school downtown. She was a really no-good— "What's up, loser?", she said out of the blue, obviously cutting off my thoughts. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Nioko..", I managed to blubber.

I ran. I was doomed. She would totally be set getting revenge. That's just her style. As soon as I was in the clear, I ran to the room. Before I could even open the door, it slid open. Like, slid open as if someone pushed it open. But no one was there. Just a couple of kids who got there early. I sat down in my seat, right next to the door. Miss Hokō told us to get out our textbooks. "Page 500" , she said. Bangggggggg! "WHAT WAS THAT?!", Miss Hokō screamed. I was shaking. This was the scary wing, but nothing ever happened like this!

She creaked open the door, went outside, and then the door closed shut. We heard scratching on the door and everyone steered to the far corner of the room. The door slowly, creepily, opened. A tall slim figure was standing where our once alive teacher had been. All dressed in black. Red eyes gleamed like it was a lion hungry for more. It turned around and stalked off.

Everyone was scared half to death. This was the scariest flipping thing that happened in Yaakichi High. At least, as long as I've been here. Over the loudspeaker, the principal said, "Everyone must go home. I repeat everyone must go home." We quickly gathered our things and ran. I bet no one who was in this class wanted to stay to finish a lesson in their textbook. Not here, not now.

After an hour or two, my aunt called me for dinner. Same time, my phone beeped. It read:

this is a warning. Do not go to your last class. What waits for u and ur friends will terrify u 4 lyfe

Hm, must be a wrong number. Stupid kids. Even though, I am only 17. I skipped down the hall to the kitchen filled with the smell of curry. Oh how I loved my aunts curry. I seated myself at the table and prayed because my aunt said it was important and it brought good luck and fortune.

After that, I went to bed. I had a tiring day. I, Kawasaki Rao, was in deep doo doo. And I was beginning to think my school isn't what I thought it was.


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