Part 4

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I thought that the teachers would freak out and then something bad would happen so I figured I should call 911 instead. I stalked into office down the main hall. They asked, "Hello, what do you need, child?" "I need to call my mom.", I replied. I picked up the phone and dialed 911 instead. "911, how may I help you?" "Hello? I have an unidentifiable figure repeatedly torturing my classmates.", I tried to sound woman like.

"Can you describe the figure?" I said, "All black with red eyes, sir." He went silent. "Okay, madam. We'll be right there.", then he hung up. What a way to end a conversation. I sighed. I remembered. I have to get back to Hisaki! I ran like the roadrunner on steroids. I mean like the blue hedgehog on steroids. I never liked going down the hall alone but once I saw her I was assured we'd be okay. "Rao, please help me..", she pleaded. I grabbed her shoulders. "Cops and an ambulance are coming. Don't worry!", I assured her with a smile.

I peeked back into the room. Empty. All except for a few dead bodies. I guess he took the rest of the class, well, I mean it. Then she stepped out of line to show the rest of the class hiding in the alcove of the hall. I've always thought it was useless but in this case? It's useful.

Out of the blue I asked, "Should we call the cheerleaders and the football players to help?" She shook her head. Obviously she didn't want help. "But we should—" "No!" she yelled, "We can do this ourselves. Well just be putting others in danger!" She was right. One of the kids in the back, I think his name was Ed or Edward, said, "Guys, I mean girls? I just heard footsteps.." I looked around. Then, who I wish was the monster, walked around the corner. It was Nioko. "Quick hurry inside the classroom! Even you Hisaki!" She for once followed orders. Then I heard her shut the door. Nioko strutted up to me as Hisaki silently peeped through the door. "What are you doing out here alone, Loser?"

"Umm..I don't know.", I quivered. "Well, we'll meet again, LOSER!", she strutted off. I hate her so much. I motioned for Hisaki and the others to come out of the classroom. They huffed like wild dogs getting ready for a midnight snack. A scary thought. At least they are on my side in the battle of sorority queen and king. I have friends okay?

At least I think I do, but back to the topic. I'm being stalked by a monster. We all are actually. "Hey guys, schools almost over so here's some things to know. Hisaki and I are going to the coffee shop after school. I want us all to meet at the yarn shoppe first. It'll be better if we stay together because we are obviously the main targets in this situation. So let's stick together like glue okay?", I spoke. They all agreed with me.

I gathered my things and left. At around 3 pm we met at the yarn shoppe. Everyone was accounted for. Just making sure no one died over a span of 1 hour. Haha.

We all ordered something from the coffee place like a group of school kids on a field trip. Everyone at least got one food item. It was funny. "So guys," that got their attention, "what should we do until authorities take care of it? Actually most of them might become traumatized before they can to real work. So what can we do to kill this.. uh—thing?" One girl suggested, "Maybe we can set up a trap, then interrogate, then we kill it?" We all nodded in agreement. I understood that the rest of the kids who were to chicken to do anything had the really good ideas.

"Okay then, first thing tomorrow we will set up a trap early in the morning. Then after school put in a bait and see what happens. Be at school around, uh, 8 am. School starts at 9 am, so we have enough time. Then we wait until after school. Everyone else will be busy with so much after school activities like Anime Club, Chess Club, and sports.", I stated. They went silent. I sighed and said, "Anyone is any clubs?"

"I'm in soccer.", came from most of the boys. And some girls said, "I'm in Anime Club." "Just skip it.", I muttered. One girl and boy glanced at each other. Hisaki was quiet, so I asked her opinion on things. "I don't know. It's dangerous, Rao. But I guess it could work.." I was curious how we could pull all of this off now.

Next morning..

Beep beep beep! I slammed down on my alarm clock and stared wide-eyed at it. 7:30! It's almost 8:00! I'm in deep dog doodo! I shivered at the sight of dog doodo. I rushed to get my stuff done, then I raced to school. Surprisingly they let me in. I found a couple kids and Hisaki waiting for me. "Let's get this thing started, guys!"


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