Part 3

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Hour after hour I stayed in the library studying on the history of this place. Obviously it's not what it seems and I need to find out what. Beep! Another text message. It's from, I had to squint to see it, it's as Hisaki. It read:

Hey, Rao. This is Hisaki, again. I wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting. I hope we reach new heights. Sorry.

-Hisaki M.

Oh dear. This better not be any guilt trips included with this new breakthrough. Ah, what a nice feeling before it all fall down again. I suppose I should text her back. Nah, I'll do it later. I need to get this book finished.

I flipped the page of the leathery 1977 yearbook. I'm thinking it was a bad year because some faces were 'X'ed out. What the what?! What happened here. I flipped some more then it stopped. The book ended right there. Suspicious...

I unlocked my phone and started clicking and clicking away a new message to Hisaki. She'd probably take it the wrong way like last time. Yeah she'd wanted to make up then I texted her back and she took it like I was going to fight her.

Me: Sure thing! I'd love to be friends with you. Wanna meet up after school?

Hisaki M: Okay, where?

Me: Um, how about the coffee place? They are having a back to school special for the minors. Like us.

Hisaki M: k. Meet you in the front of the yarn shoppe at quarter to 3.

Me: okay.

Nice. I have a meeting with Hisaki now. Might be good to bring something to do just in case she comes late. I got my stuff and breezed to last class. A cold chill went up my spine and I felt breaths down my neck. I did a 180 degree spin and Hisaki was there. Standing like a marble shrine statue. How odd. "I'm excited for after school! Are you?", she asked. I nodded. She was supposed to walk me here all the way. But I guess not. We walked the rest of the way to class together. Chatting about random things like if we posted a video of a cat making out with a leather handbag with tassels on YouTube. The thought made me giggle a little.

That was when we heard the late bell ring and a scream from inside the room. "What the what was that?!" I whispered, "We should stay silent." I slid open the door slowly and peered in. Everyone was in the corner hyperventilating like a mouse in a shark cage. We'll, everyone except the kids who have in-school detention. I looked to my right and the figure was there again. Solid black and red beaming eyes. I jumped and closed the door shut. Someone must've heard me because they yelled for me. "Aren't you gonna save those people? They need help!", Hisaki whispered in a scared but angry tone. "How am I supposed to help them?!? I get a random text message, that figure approaches me, now this?

"Well, I didn't know that. I guess we're stuck in a pickle now. What should we do, call the office?", she muttered. "Yes. Great idea! I want you to stay here and watch the classroom. Please. And I'll go get the security guy. Okay?" , I was worried about her now. She nodded nonchalantly. I could sense her tucking away her worriedness. "We'll be fine.", I told her, "we'll be fine."


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