Part 5

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I grabbed a big bin of supplies we 'borrowed' from the Arts and Crafts Club. It had everything we needed. I put the meat in the freezer, in the kitchen, yesterday. We pulled the bin all the way to the room. Then we snatched the lid off. Pop! It was loud. But so was the screeching sound coming from down the hall. It sounded like-like a bird and a horse trying to uh...sing a soprano note into a broken microphone.

It gave me chills up to my hair and down to my toes. It came closer. When I say it, I mean the black figure with red eyes. When I say black figure I mean a monster. A tall monster. A stench followed it like a clingy baby. It smelled like a Porta Potty from a punk rock concert stewing in the sun for two or three weeks.

They ran. Every single one of em'. They ran like it was a disease that could spread through breath. But it wasn't a disease. Wasn't an apocalypse. No zombies or inferno victims. Just me. I was standing there like a fool. Trying to finish the trap. No way it would work now. It's seen everything. It's probably planning its next move.

It was practically right in my face. I was breathing heavily. I was sweating like a fat rat on a treadmill. I tried to run but it was too fast. It spoke to me. It said, "You cannot escape fate, Rao. Bad things will happen like the butterfly effect. Don't try to live..." That's when I tripped backwards and fell. I broke my arm. My right arm.

Hisaki turned around in mid-step. She saw me, then the monster, then my arm. She sprinted like it was the 4th of July. "Are you okay?!", she yelled. Then as she looked up, the monster was gone, out of sight.

Later in the day..

I sat in the emergency room with a pink cast on and Hisaki and my aunt in the corner of the room. "Guys?", I asked. "Oh you're awake? What happened? How did you break your arm?", my aunt questioned.

I began ,"Um—" "She tripped and fell before school started.", Hisaki said. My mom nodded and looked at the ground. "Well, I'm going to go pick up your cousin from school now.", I looked at her expectantly, "I'll go now." She walked out of the room and closed the curtain again. "Now Rao, wanna year what happened now?" I nodded.

"Well, Rao, you tripped and fell. I looked back at you and helped you the nurses office. The monster left. I made up and excuse to not get us in trouble. 911 came. Now we're here." I nodded again. "We really need to get back to school. Go call the others. I don't care if it's dark out I'm going back there.", I explained. "Okay, I will be right back then.", she replied. She walked out of the room, or should I say, curtained space.

After a couple minutes she came back in. "They're gonna meet us there. At school." "Okay, Hisaki.", I mumbled. We snuck out of the room and left. It wasn't easy because we had to walk past the doctors. One said, "Please sign out if you're leaving already." We signed out.


The HallwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora