. prologue .

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"Promise you'll write to me?" The little blond boy had a frown on his face. The adults were still inside, letting the two kids say goodbye on their own. They were eight, and one was leaving for home after staying at his grandmother's for the summer. The boys had become best friends and didn't want to let go.

The day was beautiful, the August sun shining through the trees that swayed in the breeze. It was still warm enough for shorts though it was nearing September, which was something they were both thankful for. Yes, it was a beautiful day, but it was also really sad.

"I promise. And then we can exchange phone numbers!" The brunet one had a small smile on his face, trying to cheer the other one up.

"I guess. Just promise that you won't forget me?"

"I'd never forget you."

He held his promise, too. Through letters, they exchanged phone numbers and then talked on the phone at least once a week. Long distance tore them apart in the end, though. Eventually, one stopped calling. The number had been disconnected.

And it felt



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