. the gc: pickup lines .

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Thomas 🌈- GUYS

Ben🔥 - wha

Newt🌻 - oh no
Newt🌻 - are you gonna tell it

Thomas 🌈- yep

Newt 🌻- oh no

Brenda 💎- oh no?

Marie🌹 - tell what?

Alby ✔- ^^^

Thomas🌈 -  a pickup line

Minho 👑- bet mine are better

Teresa☁ - here we go

Newt🌻 - ugh

Ben 🔥- pickup lines can't be better they're all bad

Alby✔ - ^^^

Minho 👑- how dare u

Thomas🌈 - ^^^^
Thomas🌈 - pickup lines are great
Thomas🌈 - plus Newt laughed at this one so

Marie 🌹- oh newt no

Newt🌻 - it was involuntary i swear

Brenda 💎- well tell it then

Teresa☁ - lets hear this pickup line that will make us laugh involuntarily

Newt 🌻- :(

Minho 👑- hAh involuntary my ass

Thomas🌈 - okay ready

Ben 🔥- no

Thomas🌈 - are you my homework? Because im not doing you but i should be

Alby✔ - oh my sweet jesus

Minho👑 - AHAHAHAHSHDHDJDKDJCKF im screaming that was so bad

Teresa☁ - i agree with minho for once

Minho 👑- ;)

Brenda💎 - he's had worse though
Brenda 💎- i hate his Tennessee one

Ben🔥 - Tennessee?

Newt🌻 - oh god

Teresa☁ - don't start him please

Thomas 🌈- are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only TEN I SEE
Thomas🌈 - sksksksk get it

Alby ✔- unfortunately yes

Marie 🌹- someone used that on me once
Marie🌹 - it was probably Minho

Minho 👑- probably
Minho👑 - i have so many lines

Newt🌻 - he even used one on me

Thomas🌈 - you tryina steal ma mans

Ben🔥 - awwwwww

Brenda 💎- aren't they cute

Teresa ☁- are you guys a thing yet

Newt🌻 - idk are we

Thomas 🌈- pretty much

Minho 👑- so thats a no then?

Alby ✔- but yall are so cute togetherrr

Thomas🌈 - changing topics
Thomas 🌈- i lost my number can i have yours

Teresa☁ - oh my god

Minho 👑- do you have a name or can i call you mine? ;)

Ben 🔥- OH MY GOD

Alby ✔- in the wise words of Teresa, here we go

Thomas🌈 - I'm not a photographer but i can picture you and me together

Minho 👑- id take you to the movies but they dont allow snacks

Thomas 🌈- are you Google? You have everything im searching for

Minho 👑- if sexy was a crime you'd be guilty as charged, Thomas ;)

Newt🌻 - minho stop stealing my boy

Teresa ☁- awwwh shit

Brenda 💎- oof cutee

Marie🌹 - im fangirling

Alby✔ - Marie oof

Minho 👑- i ship you so hard i couldn't take him noot

Thomas🌈 - i couldn't leave either he's got me whipped

Alby✔ - awwwh shit

Newt🌻 - 😉 thanks hottie

Ben 🔥- we all ship you jsyk

Newt🌻 - thanks?

Minho 👑- no problem noot ;)
Minho 👑- but Thomas, are you a bank loan? You have my interest

Thomas 🌈- there's something wrong w my eyes, min. I can't take them off you

Teresa☁ - these are so bad i laughed

Alby ✔- imagine when these two meet

Ben🔥 - imagine when we all meet

Newt🌻 - oh no

Brenda💎 - ^^^

Marie🌹 - my whole house smells like fucking flowers she broke my perfume

Alby ✔- isn't your cat's name rose?

Marie🌹 - yes ironic ik

Ben 🔥- hAh

Teresa☁ - awh that's such a cute name

Marie 🌹- ty 💕

Brenda 💎- ugh please can we replace Thomas with her

Newt 🌻- actually i agree
Newt 🌻- we can have tommy and you can have her

Ben 🔥- sounds like a fair trade

Alby ✔- yeah alright sure

Minho 👑- welcome to the shanks then tommy

Marie🌹 - y'all are sO nIcE to me

Brenda 💎- we're nicer join us

Teresa ☁- join us join us

Thomas 🌈- they're lying

Teresa☁ - stfu tom we aren't

Ben 🔥- you know you ladies could just speak french and we'd have no idea what you're saying

Brenda💎 - i don't speak french though

Alby✔ - guess you lose out then

Minho👑 - oooh Alby's got sass

Newt 🌻- you guys i stg

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