. the wet socks: where's newt? .

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Thomas🌈 - hey yall i have a question

Alby✔ - isnt it like midnight where you are

Ben🔥 - ^^^

Teresa☁️ - yup 

Minho👑 - what's your deal brother

Thomas🌈 - do yall know where Newt is

Marie 🌹- oh

Thomas 🌈- he hasn't been answering any of my texts and i'm super worried about him
Thomas 🌈- but if it's nothing then,,, sorry

Minho 👑- oh shit

Alby ✔- ben, did you not tell him???

Ben🔥 - I thought min was!

Minho👑 - dont look at me i never got told until like an hour ago

Brenda 💎- uh oh

Teresa☁️ - ^^^

Thomas🌈 - what???? is he hurt????

Marie🌹 - thomas, newt was in an accident

Minho👑 - he got hit by a car on his way to school

Teresa☁️ - oh my god

Alby✔ - he's in the hospotal ofc

Ben 🔥- hospotal

Alby ✔- *hospital

Thomas🌈 - is he okay????

Minho👑 - they don't know, but he's stable and alive

Thomas🌈 - oh thank god

Marie🌹 - the driver was high off his ass

Brenda💎 - i have no fucking words except a big ol fuck you to him

Alby✔ - i agree

Ben🔥 - his phone was on him at the time and broke when he got hit, that's why no one's been answering

Minho👑 - he'll get through this, he's okay

Marie 🌹- i'm so sorry, thomas

Thomas 🌈- thank you for telling me

Alby✔ - we're here for you, man

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