. the shanks: newt gushes .

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Newt 🌻 - GUYS

Minho 👑 - WHAT

Alby ✔ - WHAT

Ben 🔥- WHAT

Marie 🌹 - NEWT WHAT

Minho 👑 - oh shit even the girl answered

Marie 🌹- shut it you ass

Newt 🌻- guys on instagram i got a dm

Alby ✔- yes and???

Ben 🔥- this better be good i was eating

Newt 🌻 - it is trust me
Newt 🌻 - so this dm was from a boy named Thomas
Newt 🌻 - the Thomas that i went to summer camp with and then lost his number, my old friend yknow

Ben🔥 - oh this is good

Minho 👑 - dude holy shuck

Marie 🌹- newt!!!

Alby ✔- what did he say?

Newt 🌻 - well we just talked for a bit but i found out he lives in NEW YORK

Alby ✔- oh noot

Marie 🌹- that's so far though

Newt 🌻- ik

Minho 👑- what's his @ i wanna see him

Newt 🌻 - thomas.edisonn
Newt 🌻 - he's so hot now smh


Ben 🔥- why are you all so gay

Marie 🌹- ben you and i are the only straight ones here

Minho 👑- shhhhhh I'm straight

Marie 🌹- straight with a hint of bisexual

Minho 👑- not even gonna deny that he's hot though dude

Newt 🌻- ik!! Like who gave you the right to grow into this tommy

Marie 🌹- well you better talk with him more, get to know him cause you dont wanna pass him up

Ben 🔥- is he gay??

Alby ✔- ben you dumb shank

Marie 🌹- his bio is literally "gayest of the gay"

Ben 🔥- oh

Minho 👑- you shucks i stg

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