. epilogue .

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Thomas got to the airport one hour early, just in case Newt's plane landed before the arrival time. He made Brenda and Teresa stay home, even though they wanted to come, because this was their moment. His and Newt's. And he didn't want anything to distract from that.

So many years had gone by since he'd known Newt, really known him, face-to-face. Even if they were only eight years old at a summer camp, that was enough to bond them. The fact that he was going to get the chance to know him again instead of just through a screen made Thomas ecstatic, off-the-walls happy. He'd even worn their friendship bracelet, which would be a little weird if Newt wasn't wearing his, but oh well. Nothing could bring him down.

Thomas passed the hour by playing on his phone, watching the gate arrival times to see if they'd changed at all, almost wishing it had but at the same time being extremely nervous. Stalking Newt's instagram page was hardly a distraction, and it made the time go slower, but at least who he was looking for was fresh in his mind. He also looked through their chats, giggling to himself at their jokes, and remembered their hours long facetime calls. Newt was so pretty over the computer, and Thomas knew he'd be gorgeous in person.

The brunet boy had known he'd fallen for Newt a long time ago. He'd realized during one of those calls. He'd never had the chance to properly love someone but he'd read enough fanfiction to know that when you get butterflies because of someone's smile it isn't platonic. The way Newt said 'Tommy' made his heart- no, his whole body - melt into a puddle of mushy feelings. He'd decided right then and there that he was gonna get Newt to visit him in person, whether it was when he came for university or after or before, and eventually date him. Now, he was meeting one goal, and hopefully the other would fall into place soon after.

Through the Def Leppard playing through his headphones he heard Newt's plane being called over the loudspeaker. His stomach dropped and his heart started racing, and he immediately put his phone away even though there was a little longer left to wait.

When people started flooding through the gate, Thomas stood up, going to stand with others at the gate. He paid attention for blond hair but didn't see him, and started to get worried. What if Newt changed his mind? What if he didn't come? Was there a text he'd missed?

He pulled his phone out of his back pocket to check. Nope, nothing but The Wet Socks wishing them luck and good things. He looked up again, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, and there he was.

Newt was an angel.

His hair was a little darker than Thomas imagined, more dirty blond than pale, and he was taller than he'd thought. He looked younger than they were despite being super tall, and he was so, so pretty. Then Thomas was running.

Newt dropped his bag and Thomas crashed into him. It felt like home, and exhilarating, like being in the ocean for the first time or riding a bike down a hill or laughing until you can't breathe or the first warm day after winter. Newt was laughing, and so was Thomas, and they stood in the middle of the arrival gate wrapped around each other.

Newt smelled like fresh flowers and when Thomas looked at him his eyes were so, so warm and he was so beautiful and Thomas kissed him. He couldn't help it.

It felt even better than anything he'd ever imagined. Sunshine and rainbows and Thomas fell even more in love with him at that very moment.

They vaguely registered applause, and broke apart. People were watching them and clapping with wide smiles, happy looks, excited children who didn't know what was going on but cheering anyway. Thomas thought that this was their moment before it happened, and it still was, but their beauty stretched farther than he thought it would.

Neither of them said anything but let out some exhilarated laughter. They couldn't stop smiling as Thomas went over and picked up Newt's bag. He took his hand and everything sort of faded away as they left, shoving each other playfully and giggling.

"Hey, you wore the friendship bracelet," Newt noticed it on Thomas' wrist, and Thomas rubbed the back of his neck, not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Newt noticed and laughed a little, pulling up his sleeve to show he was wearing his, too.

When the high wore off and they were outside of the airport, Thomas tugged on Newt's hand so he'd stop walking.

"Newt, I have something to tell you."

Newt all of the sudden looked a little nervous and he kind of stuttered, "I- I have- uh, me too."

Despite the fact that he'd tripped over his words, his voice was like music to Thomas. It took him a second to snap out of it when he realized Newt was looking at him expectantly and he blushed crimson. He couldn't look him in the eyes as he said, "uhhh, Newt, I'm... inlovewithyou."

"Tommy." It came out under his breath and Newt searched his face to see if he was lying. When it became clear he wasn't, Newt smiled. "I love you too."

Thomas' eyes widened and he put down Newt's bag, pulling him in for another perfect kiss.

Together, they left for Thomas' apartment, talking non-stop and holding hands the whole drive home.

AN: lovelies!!! we've reached the end of plane tickets!!

thank you so much if you stayed on this little journey with me, when i started this book i had no idea where it was going,, i just knew the prologue and the epilogue, and i must say that i like how it turned out for absolutely jack shit planning!!


I love you all!! mwah!!



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