. the gc: bonjour .

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Newt 🌻 added Minho 👑, Alby ✔, Ben🔥, Marie 🌹 and Thomas 🌈

Thomas 🌈 added Brenda💎 and Teresa ☁

Newt 🌻 - hey

Thomas 🌈 - hi

Brenda 💎 - hello

Minho 👑 - bonjour ;)

Teresa ☁ - ah, parlez vous en français?

Marie 🌹 - non, le garçon est très stupide
Minho 👑 - i do not speak french but i am intelligent enough to understand that and i am NOT stupid

Alby ✔- we all beg to differ

Ben 🔥- well
Ben 🔥- what a great beginning to this gc

Thomas 🌈 - i agree, 12/10

Brenda 💎 - 15/10

Newt 🌻 - pfffff
Newt 🌻 - anyway
Newt 🌻 - we need a name

Teresa ☁ - oh our gc has the best name

Alby ✔ - ours is just "the shanks"

Brenda 💎 - what's a shank

Newt 🌻 - an inside joke from our childhood

Marie 🌹 - we made up a bunch of substitute swears and that was one of them

Brenda 💎 - lovely

Thomas 🌈 - ours is "two girls and a gay"
Thomas 🌈 - not super creative but funny

Brenda 💎 - "not super creative" how rude

Marie 🌹 - i think it's creative

Brenda 💎- thank you
Brenda 💎- Teresa i vote thomas out of our gc and marie in

Teresa ☁ - i agree

Newt 🌻 - then you'd have to get rid of your brilliant name

Marie 🌹 - yeah im not gay

Ben🔥 - marie and I are the only not gay ones in our gc

Minho 👑 - exCUse moi
Minho 👑 - im not gay

Teresa ☁ - ah, now he speaks french

Newt 🌻 - oof

Alby ✔ - still stupid though

Newt 🌻 - DOUble oOf

Ben 🔥 - minho get shucked

Teresa ☁ - roasted and toasted

Marie 🌹 - he's a raging bisexual

Minho 👑 - mean, im disowning you all

Ben 🔥 - good we dont like you
Ben 🔥 - and we still need a group name

Alby ✔ - "the shanks two"

Brenda💎 - that's your joke not ours

Alby ✔ - oh right

Teresa ☁ -  we could doooo
Teresa ☁ - uhm

Newt 🌻 - yes "uhm" is a great group name

Brenda💎 - damn thomas got yourself a sassy one

Thomas 🌈 - isn't he cute?

Newt 🌻- tommy i will hurt you

Thomas 🌈- nah you won't you're too cute to hurt me

Marie🌹 - you guys are adorable

Minho👑 - ah, young love. sickening

Ben🔥 - watch it asshat

Minho👑 - shut up Ben you love me

Alby✔ - ah, young love. Sickening

Brenda💎 - i like you guys

Minho👑 - thanks

Teresa ☁- if i ever meet you I'm gonna attempt to teach y'all french

Minho👑 - i mean
Minho👑 - french kissing i can do ;)

Newt🌻 - jesus take the wheel

Teresa ☁- i doubt you're even good at that, considering how bad your other french is

Thomas 🌈- damnnnnnn

Alby ✔- minho, you need some ice for that burn?

Minho 👑- your soul is cold enough, thanks

Brenda 💎- ouch

Ben 🔥- y'all are crazy

Marie 🌹- uh grOuP nAmeS rIghT

Minho 👑 - lets maybe just wait on a group name until we know each other better?

Alby ✔ - the smartest thing he's said all day
Alby ✔ - everyone who agrees say I
Alby ✔- I

Brenda💎 - I

Marie 🌹 - I

Ben 🔥- I

Minho 👑 - I

Newt 🌻 - I

Thomas 🌈 - I

Teresa ☁ - I

Alby ✔- okay cool lmao
Alby ✔- we shall wait and see then

~ ~ ~ ~
AN: i know i said there wouldn't be any ans in here but this is the only one mk?

bonjour lovelies, comment names for their group chats and the one i like best is the one i shall pick!

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