The Gender

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Elena's Diary

March 2014

OMG! I can't believe it! It's a girl!
I'm carrying a baby girl! I'm so happy.
Let me take this from the beginning. So after Care and Stefan came we had to leave for our appointment. Damon and I got the car and went to the doctor. Doctor Fell did me an ultrasound and said that first of all our baby is very healthy. After a few more seconds she said "Congratulations! You have a baby....." " WAIT!" I shouted. I looked at Damon. "Are you sure you want to see the gender today?"
"Baby, I don't care. As long as I am with you." He said. I cried. "I love you." I replied and we kissed.
Then Dr Fell said " I'll write it behind the picture of the ultrasound and you can decide if you wanna see it."

Damon's POV

We came back from the Doctor's. I had made sure that Stefan and Vampire Barbie weren't home. I prepared the atmosphere. Actually, I asked Vamp Barbie to do it. She's good at projects. When we entered the house, slow romantic music started. Candles were everywhere. She stared into my eyes. "Did you do this?" She said. "It's all for you baby" I replied. "Shall we?" I spread my hand so we can dance." She said " Please." with Grace. We danced and we danced all night. It was 4 in the morning and we sat on the couch. I gave her the envelope with the ultrasound. She looked at me and then at the envelope. She saw our baby. She turned it the other way round and she screamed. "It's A GIRL! Damon we have a baby girl!!!"

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