The Recovery

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Elena's POV

So today I'm getting Caroline a new dress to meet some new people. But I think she's only interested in one. But that's not the point. Today she doesn't care about anything. I'm gonna make sure of it.




The girls went to Harrods and Care bought a red cocktail dress. Elena did Caroline's make up. They hit the bar. Caroline started doing tequila shots and Elena drank water. Caroline told Elena to leave the bar. "Don't worry. I can handle myself." were her exact words.

Caroline's POV

Where am I? I wondered.

Then memories started coming back. I turned around. There was a man next to me. He was cute. I left my number and I snuck out.

I'm soooooo over Stefan after what he did to me. I know it sounds like a rush or that I'm senseless, but I don't care. I'm stronger that this.

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