The Cravings

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Elena's Diary

Late April 2014

Lately Caroline is gone all the time. I can't say I don't like it bcoz Damon and I have the house all to ourselves to do anything we want. I love him so damn much. He's gonna be the best father ever. We are now making the baby's room. It's magical.

So, back to Caroline.
She's been seeing this guy and she practically lives there. She said that she made a deal with him. No strings attached. I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand she's getting over Stefan but on the other hand I'm not very keen on the one night stands Caroline style. First she doesn't feel anything but then she gets over attached to the guys and gets overwhelmed.

I started having cravings.
You may wonder what cravings can a vampire have. I'll tell you. Blood types. But now Damon has all the types stored in blood bags. The problem is I want straight from the vein.

I hate to say it but I had a little compulsion done and I'll have every blood type in my house. Only this time it's people. But due to my pregnancy I can't compel properly so I had Damon do it. I feel guilty but he said that he'll " do anything for his future wife"

Life is sweet. I can't wait to get married to him.

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