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Name- Ava blossom

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Name- Ava blossom

Birthday- October 7th

Zodiac sign- libra 

age-16 years old

hair color- short red hair

eye color-green eyes

Personality- she is a huge animal lover and she loves reading and listening to music though she is kinda shy with people she doesn't know very well since she doesn't talk much with them but once she gets to know them she becomes a huge chatter box she's also a huge airhead at times but she isn't naive when it comes to certain things Ava also is very protective of her friends and family.

family members- Elena blossom[mother deceased] Jack blossom[father deceased] Daniel blossom[older brother alive] Leo blossom[older brother alive] Nancy blossom[grandmother deceased] Nick blossom[grandfather deceased]

family members- Elena blossom[mother deceased] Jack blossom[father deceased] Daniel blossom[older brother alive] Leo blossom[older brother alive] Nancy blossom[grandmother deceased] Nick blossom[grandfather deceased]

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Name- Jessica breeze 

Birthday- February 16th

Zodiac sign- Aquarius 

age-15 years old

hair color-short black hair

eye color-violet eyes 

Personality- she is known to be hot headed and very violent once someone royalty's piss her off but she's also caring with her family and friends she is especially close to Ava as they both considered themselves as sisters even though they may not be related by blood she also loves watching horror movies.

family members-Victoria breeze[mother alive] Adam breeze [father alive] Sarah breeze[ little sister alive] Annabeth breeze[grandmother deceased] Eric breeze [grandfather alive]

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