(Boys' GC)

122 4 3

Jellal Fernandez: :(

Gray Fullbuster: What's up?

Natsu Dragneel: wanna fite?

Gray Fullbuster: No one wants to fight you, dumbass.

Gray Fullbuster: Oh and @Jellal Fernandez, thanks btw bro.

Gray Fullbuster: for saving my life back there. I didn't know Erza could be so..

Gray Fullbuster: nvm. I don't wanna remember. ;-;

Natsu Dragneel: Y u thanking him? I'm the medical team leader here -,- I saved ur butt

Jellal Fernandez: Oh. Haha.. sure..

Jellal Fernandez: I didn't really save you though.. "Cake-sama" did.. TT-TT

Jellal Fernandez: It's not rlly me who calms Erza down every month, It's all Cake-sama ;-; I'm just the delivery man ;^;

Gray Fullbuster: whaaaat- is that why u're sad? Loool

Natsu Dragneel: What r u talking abt, Erza obviously likes u man. Even I'm not that dense :/

Jellal Fernandez: Well.. I kinda asked Erza in pm... I asked her if she had to choose between me or cake, who would she choose.

Jellal Fernandez: she answered "Cake-sama!!!" Right off the bat TT^TT

Natsu Dragneel: Oh dude bro my man my main man

Natsu Dragneels: We bros got u bro


Romeo Conbolt: Im not really that experiemced but I'm sure Erza-nee will learn to love you!

Gray Fullbuster: Oh. Well. Don't be sad, Jellal.

Jellal Fernandez: Oh WOW I FEEL ABSOLUTELY FINE NOW, THANKS FOR SAYING THAT, GRAY!!!!! ^-^ ~~~~~☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Natsu Dragneel: Wow. I didn't know that worked!! O-O

Jellal Fernandez: It doesn't, Natsu. TT-TT

Romeo Conbolt: #sadcasm

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