GC #20

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LEvY mCgArDeN: Hey guys! I just finished reading my Parry Hotter books, and I'm gonna sell them for 499 jewels. Meet-ups around Magnolia area only, delivery fee is FREE. ;-)

LEvY mCgArDeN: PM me for more information.

Gajeel Redfox: Online selling, huh? Should prolly try that too. Thanks for d idea shripm.

Gajeel Redfox: hello everyone! My newest album, "Shooby doo bop" is now officially released. Pm if interested in buying. (4warded msg.)

LEvY mCgArDeN: Thats not how it works... ugh, whatever.

Gray Fullbuster: I'm selling Natsu's brain. Quality: good as new. Never been used. We can negotiate the price at pm.

Lucy Heartfilia III: Ohhhh!! This is a good way to earn jewelz!! It MIGHT just pay the bills..

Lucy Heartfilia III: I heard the golden keys are pretty popular too.. :^) I could make a lot of jewelllllzzzzzz

LEvY mCgArDeN: Oh my gosh, Lucy! Don't tell me you're SELLING your keys?!

LEvY mCgArDeN: That is unlike you! What are you thinking!?

LEvY mCgArDeN: They're your friends!

Lucy Heartfilia III: Now selling, An arrow once used by the eversofamous golden key, Saggitarius! A bottle filled with water Aquarius once drowned me in. A strand of the lion casanova's hair. Pm 4 orders.

Cana Alberona: I'm selling booze

Cana Alberona: ....to buy booze..

Gray Fullbuster: oH pls I bought beer from u back then and u gave me a bottle of mineral water.

Gray Fullbuster: and iT DIDN'T EVEN HAVE WATER IN IT

Cana Alberona: oh yeah lol I accidentally dropped the original beer I was supposed to give u LOL

Lucy Heartfilia III: ....she dropped it into her mouth, didn't she?.....

Jellal Fernandez: What is this?

Jellal Fernandez: Nothing's gonna happen, you know. No ones buying any of those- even in online shopping.

Jellal Fernandez: Seriously. People don't like ordering from the internet cause they cant personally check the item's quality. I don't recommend it.

StrawberryMommy: Selling cakes. Orders will be delivered by me to your location. Pm for orders.

Lucy Heartfilia III: yEP. Im pretty sure once ur cake has been delivered, she'll end up eating 'em for herself @ ur house LOL

Gray Fullbuster: ikr^ instead of ordering cake

Gray Fullbuster: you'd be ordering Satan's mistress to eat YOUR cake at ur place

StrawberryMommy: Satan's mistress?

Cana Alberona: LOLOLOLOL

StrawberryMommy: I'll deal with you later, Gray. Jellal, I'll get your order ready in a minute.


Jellal Fernandez: nO I DIDN'T

Jellal Fernandez: I DIDN'T

-Cana Alberona set the nickname for Jellal Fernandez to BlueberryDaddy-

Fairytail On Facebook! (Fb/Messenger)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora