Request 1

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You had just gotten back from a fan sign and it was rather late, you were exhausted but you couldn't sleep just yet because you still had to eat and shower.

You scrambled through your bad and found a packet of monster munch, you grinned wildly tacking the packet out of your bag. You sighed happily at the taste.

You crunching stopped when there was a soft knock at the door. You stood up leaving the packet on the bed and dusting the crumbs onto your jeans.

You walked up to the door and opened it to reveal jungkook, he looked nervous but then again maybe it was just your imagination.

You opened the door wider and he walked right in without a word. Lately he had been ignoring you and it was an understatement to say you were sad because you were truly devastated. For weeks you had been trying to figure out what you had done but nothing was said.

He walked straight over to your desk chair plopping himself on it whilst staring at the ceiling. You eyed him carefully and shrugged the feeling off by putting yourself on your own bed picking up the packet of crisps and eating again.

It was so awkward that you could cut the tension with a knife.

"For whatever I had done this past couple of weeks to upset or anger you I'm sorry" you bowed your head out of shame because he was meant to rely on you and somehow in some way you messed it up. Again.

"(Y/n) what are you talking about, I'm not upset or angry with you"

Now you were just completely confused and your stomach was doing something not had never done.

"Is it okay if I go to the toilet?" Why on earth was you asking to go to the toilet in your own room.

"Pabo" jungkook muttered laughing as you slowly walked off to the bathroom.

You turned the tap on washing your face and looking at yourself in the mirror. I am officially confuzzled.

You got your toothbrush and brushed your teeth and then put your hair into a ponytail.

Jungkook a words were still running through your head. I'm not angry or upset with you!

You stormed out the bathroom and slapped him on the back of his head but not to hard.
He turned around.

"What on earth was that for?"

"What was that for, it was for making me worry about you and for ignoring me" you repeated hitting his chest every time until he grabbed your hand staring into your eyes.

Because of his actions a slight blush came to both of your cheeks. You were beyond nervous.

"Your such an idiot sometimes you know that"

"Well if you didn't ignore me th- "

You were cut off by a soft pair of plump lips on yours. It took you a second to realise what was happening before you slowly closed your eyes and kissed back.

Your lips moving in sync as he lowered you onto the bed.

You didn't know where this was going.

But you didn't want it to stop.

His lips slowly moved down to your neck leaving sloppy kisses. When he found your sweat spot and you let out a small moan. You could feel him smirk as he started biting and kissing in the same spot while your hands were tangled in his hair.

He pulled away from your neck and looked in your eyes.

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you but you drive me crazy and truth is, I love you (y/n)."

You smiled and in that moment you knew nothing else mattered.

"I love you to kookie"

For the rest of the night you both cuddled and you were at a great sense of comfort knowing that you could finally feel at home right here.

I hope this is how you imagined it to be, thank you so much for your request and not being a silent reader and commenting as well as messaging me.
I'm sorry I didn't message back but there is something wrong with wattpad and it's not letting me reply to anyone's messages.
And yes I love TWD XD



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