[Vash, Trigun, AU]

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Campus Library, Break Time — 12:00

"Fuck this," you murmur as you close your textbook. "I don't even know why I'm here; 'm gonna fail this stupid thing anyways."
You start to pack your things when someone sits across from you. From your peripheral, you see yellow and red, and upon glancing over you see...
"Hello there! You seem to be having some trouble." A playful smile adorned Vash's face. He rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. "Do you need some help?" he queried as he started to roll the pencil you had yet to put away.
"No, I was just leaving," you hissed out, swiping your pencil from him to drop it into your bag.
   "Hey, _____, stop stressing so much." Vash propped his chin on his hand. "Talk to me, okay? What's up?"
   "Nothing's 'up,' V. I just wanna go." You stuff your textbook into your bag next, and finally your notebook.
   "But getting pissy at your favorite subject?" Vash's playful look fell, leaving a small frown in its place. "Something happened. I just want to help you."
   ". . ." You zip up your bag before standing up and shouldering it. "I don't need your help, you idiot." It came out harsher than you had intended, but you didn't want to fix it.
   So, you left.

Campus Infirmary, 17:00

   Vash quietly opened the door to the infirmary. He stepped in and glanced around.
   The nurse wasn't there, but that didn't mean he couldn't be in the room, right?
   He sighed as he tucked his hands into his pockets, walking in and glancing around for his friend. He had heard from Meryl and Milly that _____ had gotten into a fight with someone. It was a bad choice on both of their parts, considering the other guy had to go to the Hospital. But...
   "The fuck are you doing here?" Well, that's good. Vash's friend shot him a glare as a smile formed on his previously-blank face. "Well?" they pressured, sitting up.
   "I wanted to make sure you were okay," Vash responded, moving forward to push them down. "And to make sure you don't hurt yourself more."
   "Yeah, well...you aren't the nurse, and he isn't here so you shouldn't be either," _____ mumbled as a blush creeped to their cheeks. Vash grinned as they looked away from him, which only made their face turn redder. "Stop lookin' at me, will ya?"
   "I'm good." He gently ran his gloved fingers across their face. "You aren't mad anymore, right? That's the guy who pissed you off?"
   "Yeah, I... He said something I didn't really agree with."
   "What'd he say?" The blond hummed for second. "Was it something about me?"
   Vash grew confused after a couple minutes passed with no response. He looked back down towards _____ to see them covering their face. "Was it?" he asked again, softer.
   "Yeah," came the choked response. "I don't wanna say it though. Please don't make me."
   Vash smiled again, before leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on _____'s arm. "I won't. I like you too much to see you upset."
   He watched as they moved their hands, covering their mouth instead of their eyes. _____ was shocked, obviously. Vash chuckled at their expression.
   "You okay?" he asked as he moved their hands.
   "You like me?"
   "I do, yeah. There's not a problem here, right? No one else that you like?" Vash tilted his head slightly as he leaned down.
   "I...like you too."
   "That's good," the blond murmured as their lips met.

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