[Johnny Cade, The Outsiders] Warmth

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warmth - noun. the quality, state, or sensation of being warm. enthusiasm, affection, or kindness. vehemence or intensity of emotion.

   To be honest, Johnny didn't really know what warmth was. He guessed it was how Darry cared for Sodapop and Ponyboy, how even though he was tough on 'em he still kept 'em as good and safe as he could. Maybe it was how Dally only really looked out for him the most even though Dally was really mean to everyone else, or how Two-Bit was always makin' everyone laugh.
   He never expected actual warmth from a...well, from anyone, really. His parents never held him or ran their hands through his hair, so it was kind of weird to Johnny when this kid about his age came into his life and started givin' him all of that.
   Johnny realized that he liked warmth. He liked the feelin's behind the word and the word itself, because whenever he thought of that word his mind went back to _____. Yeah, the guys...they were always warm to Johnny, but they never gave him warmth.
   He liked _____'s warmth. It was nice being wrapped in their arms.

   Johnny sometimes forgot there were a lot of different meanings to warmth. After a very...uncomfortable outburst, Johnny remembered that warmth could be applied to emotions.
   He remembered you yelling at Darry that one time. It was hard not to remember, honestly. You had gotten pissy at some bad comment Darry made to Pony, and even though you'd been around when worse comments were made between the other guys, this one rubbed you the real wrong.
   He remembered how you stood up and snapped at Darry, even though he was about four or five years older than you. Darry'd made a snappy remark back, which started you yellin' and then stompin' off. Johnny had been the one to go after you, and he remembered pullin' you into a hug with no hesitation (definitely not like the first couple of times).
   He remembered you breakin' down in his arms right then, cryin' and sobbin' and stuff about how Darry really needed to treat Pony better, cause he was the littlest and it was them you needed to look out for most 'cause if they aren't led right then they'll get in some shit.

   Johnny didn't know how right you'd be about that. He looks over at you and listens to your light snoring. You'd fallen asleep again, despite him tellin' you that you really needed to go back to your home to get some real sleep in a real bed.
   You'd always tell him that he's your home, though. It made him cry the first time you'd said it, but he was happy. He felt the same way, but he never really realized it 'til then.
   He didn't really like the way you were cryin' and huggin' onto Pony once he and Dally had gotten back to tell them how the fight went. Johnny was happy they won, and so were you.
   He struggled to speak as he told Ponyboy what he wanted to tell him. He knew he was dying.  They all knew he was, but it seemed that you were the only one willin' to admit it.
   The last thing he said was that you were his warmth. The last thing he heard was you sayin' the same thing back to him as you held his hand.
   You always were his warmth.

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