[David, Camp Camp]

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character presets: allergic to bees, psych degree, school for ed & counseling. kinda daniel-ish at times, adult

"Goooood morning, campers!" David said with a bright smile. "We have someone new joining us today! Well, they'll be new to you, at least!" He laughs at his 'joke' as he motions for someone to come over to his side. "Everyone, say hello to _____!"

The person beside David gives a grin and a wave to the little shits in front of them. Gwen had told them about each of the campers before their week of hell started, just so they could have a heads-up of what was going on.

"Where the hell is Gwen?" If _____ remembered correctly, the one who asked this was Max. He was the only one with a blue hoodie, so...

"She's taking a vacation," the new temporary counselor responds. "And I know that you all don't care, but I'm here because I have to have the hours for a class."

"What are you going to school for?" a nerdy kid asks. The only name Gwen repeated a lot was Max so it was kind of hard to dig up any others.

"Probably something dumb like Psychology," Max laughed.

_____'s grin twisted slightly. "Actually, Max, I already finished my Psych degree. Now I'm working on my Education and Counseling, because everybody needs someone to talk to sometimes. Wouldn't you agree, Davie?"

"Why of course I would, _____!" David gave his new friend a bright smile before looking back over the campers. "Now, I expect you to be nice to our guest over this week! Max, Nikki, that means no bees!"

"Whaaat?! Why not?" a green-haired girl (presumably Nikki) whines.

"I'm allergic," _____ answers before David could make some kind of other excuse. "I could die, and I'd rather die on my own terms that aren't bee-related."

Max pulled Nikki and the nerd kid with him as David dismissed everybody for the day's activity: find 3 things in nature that make you happy and make something out of them.

He turns to _____ and sends them a bright smile. "So, while the kids are busy, let's take a quick tour of the camp!"

They nod and follow David out of the door. A quick glance shows them that some of the kids have grouped up to find things and that some were just fighting with each other. Max and his crew were nowhere to be found.

_____ rubs the heel of their hand against their temple as David led them around the camp, showing them the general area where all of the sub-camps were and the tent area and the things that they hadn't seen yet.

"David, look! I finished my list!"

The pair turns and sees a scrawny brunet. He's holding...

"P-Preston, is that a skull?" David questions.

"Why, yes! Yes it is! It will make a wonderful prop for my next play! As will this large feather and these red berries!" A bright smile grows on this Preston kid's face.

"Make sure you scrub those off before...using them. And wash your hands." _____ shudders slightly as Preston gives an "Okay!" and runs off. "That's gross," they say to David.

The counselor nods and forces a smile. "He'll be fine! ...hopefully..."

"Hey, newbie!" The (height) adult turns to see the Hell Trio. (Gwen called them that, if they remembered correctly.) "We finished our list!" Max has a devious grin on his face.

"Max..." David's voice holds a note of warning while _____ goes ahead and starts to rummage in their pockets.

"Max, we really shouldn't do this—" the nerdy kid says.

Max just rolls his eyes and holds up a beehive. "It's just initiation. We've all had near-death experiences at this shithole of a camp!"

And he throws it.


"Ow ow ow..."

"David, you nut..." A rough sigh slips from ____ as they sit beside David in the hospital. QM wasn't happy having to watch the camp, but... "I have an EpiPen, you know. We went over that."

"They're expensive. And even still, Max is..." David sighs and winces as he turns his head. "He just wants to stay in control of everything."

"I'll say," _____ mumbles. They gently pat David's hair. "Get some rest, Davie. I'm gonna get back to camp so the place doesn't get blown up."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, yeah. I'll get that little bully kid to help me if I need it."

David furrows his brows. "Nurf?"

"Yeah, Nurf. He's...well, he seems like he could be good, under all that. That."

"Just stay safe. We can't lose both counselors in one day!" he jokes.

_____ gives a soft laugh as they stand up. "Get some rest, dude."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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