[Vash, Trigun, AU] Good Directions

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good directions - billy currington
not college au for once. wowie
(also just so yall know i sometimes might maybe cry when i sing along to this oops)

Vash takes off his hat and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He dries his hand on his shirt and uses his hat as a fan while picking up a pork rind to crunch on.

A sleek red car pulls up and he raises his eyebrows. Fancy, was the word that came to his mind. Definitely wouldn't see a car like that around these parts.

The person inside rolls the window down, and Vash's breath left his body.

"Hey, do you know where the interstate is?" they ask after a small pause.

"Yeah, it's way up yonder," he starts, "just past the caution light. There's a little country store with an old Coke sign; you gotta stop and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea. It's really the best." He send a smile, and they smile back. "A left'll take you to the interstate." He bites his lip and fiddles with his hat. "But a right... A right'll bring you right back here to me."

They giggle at his added line, and give him another smile. "Thank you, cowboy," they say with a slight tease in their voice.

They roll their window back up and pull off.

Vash sighs and sits his hat back on his head before starting to chew on the pork rind again. Shit. He never got their name...

He pulls his hat off again and chucks it to the ground. The way they looked at him...maybe it could've been love. The blond sighs and shakes his head; there was no way his truck could catch up, and they probably didn't like him anyhow. He glances up in time to watch the car disappear in a cloud of dust.

Someone else pulls up and asks to buy some turnips, and Vash takes the money and gives the man the turnips. His shoulders slump as the man rides off, same way the city person did.

He runs a hand down his face, before looking back up and seeing that sleek red car from just an hour ago. His heart swells as the car pulls to park right next to his truck.

Instead of rolling down the window, they got out of the car. They step out easily, carrying a big glass of amber-colored liquid.

"Hey there, partner," Vash greets, unable to keep the happy smile from his face.

"Hey, cowboy," they greet back as they lean on the tailgate of his truck. "My name's _____."

"I'm Vash," he says back. "Why'd you come back?"

"Not happy to see me?" they joke. Vash opened his mouth to say something, but their laugh cut him off. "I don't know why," they said, letting a gentle smile cross their face. "Felt right. I guess someone just gave me some really good directions."

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