[Vash, Trigun, AU] [2/2]

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Campus Square, Break Time — 12:00

"This is so embarrassing."
   "How so?" Vash questions as he sends his partner a cheeky grin.
   It had been a week since the Incident, and the guy that _____ sent to the Hospital was finally discharged. They were currently on their way to a meeting where _____ would have to defend themself on why the two had gotten into a fight.
   "I don't — I have to —" A sharp whine comes out of their throat as they cover their face. "I don't want them to know why."
   Vash's face softens at the quietness of his partner's voice. He gently rubs their back as they make it to the Administrative Hall and start their way up the stairs. "It'll be fine," the blond says, trying to keep his voice light.
   Truth be told, he was as scared as _____ was. He saw the damage they had done to the guy, and he was scared that they would be expelled. They have a good reason, though. They're good with words.
   "...have it on video..." Vash blinks and looks down at them.
   "Milly was there. And Meryl. I have it on my phone; she..." A bright red found its way to _____'s cheeks. "Meryl recorded...the whole thing, and I..." A deep breath. "I don't want you to watch it."
   "Why? Is it that bad?"
   "Baby." Vash moves in front of _____ and holds them in place. "What happened?"

Administrator's Meeting Room, Meeting Time — 12:30

   "Vash is worthless, and you know it!" The brunet on screen leans close to _____. "You think you're so good being friends with him, huh?" A smack. "He's worthless! He's a piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live!" Another one.
   "Stop." It sounded...dead. Monotone. Another hit. "You're gonna regret this." There was no warning in _____'s voice.
   "Am I, now?" A punch to the arm. "Fuckin' weakling —" The next throw was caught, and _____ flips the brunet onto the ground and starts wailing on them. It took a minute for Milly to come on screen and lift _____ up off of the guy.
   "Fuckin' weakling," were the last words before the video cut off.

   "That is very different from the story you told us, Mr. Russo." An old man turns in his seat to face the brunet who still had a bandage on his cheek.
   "It's doctored, obviously! That bitch has everyone on their side!"
   "We will not tolerate that language in this room," a young-ish woman states. "They told you to stop. Why did you continue?"
   "They kept eggin' me on! Sayin' stuff that phone couldn't pick up on!"
   "It wasn't recorded on a phone," _____ mumbles.
   "Meryl doesn't own a phone," Vash adds in. "She has this really sick camera, it records the best audio." A smile forms on Vash's face as the guy realizes he's fucked.
   "Is that true, Mx. _____?"
   "She- Meryl, does have a phone, but it can't even take pictures." It was best to get that out, just in case they found Meryl did have a phone. "She's always liked real cameras more than phones."
   The old man hums for a moment, before asking that _____ and Vash leave. "We'll take care of Mr. Russo here," he added.
   "Thank you, sir," Vash responds with a half-salute. He leads his partner out of the room and they take a seat on the bench in the hall.
   The two sits in silence for a couple of minutes before Vash wraps an arm around _____. "You're in the clear, okay? You can breathe now."
   _____ takes a deep breath, not even realizing that they hadn't been breathing. "You..." They take another, slower breath. "You think so?"
   "I know so." Vash places a soft kiss on their head. "Come on, we gotta get you to your 2 o'clock."
   "It's that time already?"
   "Mhmm." The blond gives them another kiss before standing up. "Hop on," he says, crouching down.
   _____ easily crawls onto Vash's back, wrapping their arms around his shoulders and their legs around his waist. "Thank you, Vash."
   "Don't worry about it, _____."

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