Not Blind for love

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"So, this is your state of the art cafeteria where you're  served the best sandwiches and half filled cups of Orange juice." Jungkook  paused  for a tired breath.

"Is the cafeteria food really that good?"

"No actually, honesty speaking your cafeteria food is kind of shit"

His eyes were almost gluing themselves shut  from the amount of sleepless nights he had be getting, preparing for university and all. But the night before had been worse for him as he had been informed through an email that he had to give a new student a tour around a prestigious high school.

But not any new student. And definitely not any high school.

It was a high school for the disabled. Those who got extra attention in school. And that one who kept clutching onto his hand as they walked through the hallways. Who repeatedly hit the ground with a stick in all directions to sense their surroundings.

"What happens if I don't fit in?"

Jungkook tiredly scratched the back of his neck while he tried to hold his arm still as the person held onto it tighter.

"Well, then you get made fun of and your life becomes shit." He said nonchalantly. He managed to get out a cute giggle from the person beside him.

"That would be horrible."

"Uh, yeah I-it would." Jungkook almost stuttered when he felt the person press themselve against his grey sweater as they continued to walk to the next stop in school.

Also, not to mention that this new student had their eye sight abandoned them. Everywhere he would go, she always needed a hand to walk with. And yes, a 'she', a female.

It pained him even more when he found out the student he would be touring would be his opposite gender. Not that he hated girls or had anything against them. Well, he had a thing against everyone in school. He didn't like anyone. He was what you would call socially awkward. An introvert to be exact.

He didn't made it seem awkward for himself but only for the people who spoke to him and got ignored because he thought his privacy was more worth some dumb conversation with some dumb high school kids.

Because of his habbit of isolating almost everyone from his life, the popular kids,or the 'jocks' would frequently pick on him. But Jungkook not giving any two craps, would flick them off before defending himself by punching them in the face.

"The atmosphere here feels really intimidating. I understand why you would warn me of such things." The girl said.

Jungkook gulped he could feel her rubbing her fingers together as she securely fastened her arm with his.

"Um, excuse me but would you mind letting loose for a bit?" He politely asked, trying his very best not to sound like a dick.

The girl widened her blinded eyes and quicky left her arm a little more spacious between his.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized.

"It's kind if a habbit of mine. I cling onto people too much." She cheekily smiled.

Jungkook pursed his lips and mumbled an 'it's okay' to her.  He immediately noticed how calm his nerves got when the girl loosen her arm. He felt relieved.

He wasn't afraid of girls. In fact, he would even sometimes throw glares at the annoying cheer squad for being such bitches to put on  detectable fake smiles and chirping for the musclemen who ran across the field.

But he wasn't so comfortable with female interaction especially with them touching him. He mentally cursed at himself for feeling embarrassed for such things and that he was ony helping the young girl to get familiar with the school.

"So,Lisa." He said to her.

"Hmm?" She replied.

"This is your locker right here." He said as he pointed to a grey cubical.

"Uhh, Jungkook ..I can't exactly see it." Lisa giggled.

"Right..sorry." He muttered as he took a hold of her hand gently and let it touch the locker.

"This is your locker." He told her again.

Lisa  nodded her head and sweetly smiled at him.

"Thank you so much for your help, but if you don't mind, would you mind helping me to economics class?" She asked him.

"Sure thing." He said and led her to class.

Silence had taken over between the two students. Jungkook didn't mind though, he was used to it. On the other hand, Lisa who was quite a chatterbox felt very out of place. She felt the need to bring up something to sprout a conversation.

They walked briskly to room no.134 as their arms were slightly falling apart. Lisa's right hand reached out for the door frame for support.

"Our class is here."

"Ah, yes I feel."

She walked herself to grab the closest chair her hands found and carefully, not trying to bump her walking stick to the iron foots of the desk, sat down.

Jungkook stared at her. He didn't know what he was feelings inside of him from the moment he met her. But a strong attraction drew him closer to her somehow. And to think that Jungkook afriad of girls.

"Hey.." He spoke once she settled in her desk.

Lisa looked up to him with her big brown eyes and hummed in response.

Jungkook fiddled with the ends of his shirt in nervousness, something he would often do at times like this.

"Would you...Would you maybe want to grab a cup of coffee sometimes? Or tea...or food if you'd like pizza or whatever." He mentally stabbed and cursed himself for being so awkward and not thinking it through.

Lisa laughed at him and he began to think that she was laughing at him. He suddenly felt highly consious and bit his lip in embarrassment.

"Sure, I would love to go out with you."

His ears perked up at that.


"Certainly! Provided that you take me to that cat cafe near the school." Lisa smirked at him.

Did he hear that right? He just initiated a date with a beautiful girl. He swore he could sense fireworks blast behind him and people blowing whistles at him in joy for his accomplishment.

"Sure, that would be awesome." He grinned.

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