Broken up?

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"Diego! Come back! I'm not going to run after you all around the set!" I shout as I try to catch up with him.

"Good!" He replied back, speeding up.

I finally caught up with him and with all my force I pushed him into the small cleaning room and locked the door.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

He looks so cute when he's sulking.

I quickly threw my arms around him and pulled him into a kiss, he resisted at first, then kissed back. I pulled away and looked at him with a grin on my face.

"Clara, you can't just dump me then kiss me!"

"Diego, hear me out! It's all part of my plan..."

Diego's facial expression changed and he listened intently to what I had to say.

"Go on..." He prompted.

"They don't have to know that we are together..."

He looked at me as if he got what I was saying.

I put my finger on my lip as if to say 'don't tell anybody.'

He pulled the invisible zip over his lips and threw the key away. This made me laugh.

"But how am I going to keep my hands off you..." He whispered as he gently pulled me into his touch, making my heart beat faster.

"It's only in public... Any where else I'm all yours." I winked and laughed as I said this.

I playfully slapped his hands away and put my hand on the door.

"Now I'll go out there and you'll come out 5 minutes later. Get ready to be mad at me!" I whispered as I opened the door.

I quickly ran back to the set and waited for my turn to shoot my scenes when Diego appeared 5 minutes later. He went and stood with Jorge and Facu while I stood with Tini, Lodo and Cande.

"That's funny" says Cande. "I thought Diego would have come over here to see you!" She teased.

That's what we do on the set, we tease each other. I tease her about Facu all the time.

Time to fake a break up.

I put on a fake sad face.

"Clari, what is it?" Asked Lodo looking concerned.

"We broke up." I said.

"Oh Clari I'm so sorry." Said Cande as she gave me a hug.

In truth, I'm so jealous of her and Facu, their relationship can go public and nobody has a problem with it. But I'm also so happy for them, they're great together.

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