Boring night?

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All though the day I received hugs and messages like 'I'm sorry to hear about you and Diego' and 'won't you find it difficult to work together?' And I was feeling exauhsted. I was ready for the night in with Diego that we'd planned last week.

I left the set after filming Angie's return scene, which was really fun to film. Violetta waited for me at the airport with her father and we had a reunion. Although nothing has yet happened between German and Angie, I know it won't be long.

I returned to my little apartment, kicked off my heels, turned on the tv and snuggled under the blanket. I decided that since I had a few spare hours I'd have a look on twitter.

I was just starting to nod off when my phone rang. It was my boyfriend.

"Diego! What time are you coming over?" I asked with a massive smile upon my face.

"Yeah... About tonight..." He said shyly.

"You're cancelling on me, aren't you?" I asked, rather annoyed.

"Well the lads wanted to take me out for a drink and I couldn't exactly tell them I was going to yours."

"You know what, whatever Diego, you could have come up with another excuse, but that's fine." I felt a bit bad after I said this, I really didn't want to be the girlfriend that stops her boyfriend from going out with his friends.

Diego was silent on the other end of the phone.

I let out a sigh and ran one hand thorough my hair, "I'm sorry, I've just had a stressful day and I was just looking forward to relaxing. But you go, have a good time, I'll be alright."

We said goodbye and I put down the phone. I snuggled deeper into my blanket and flicked about the tv channels.

I was in for a boring night.

There was nothing on tv so I just turned it off and listened to music for a while. I'd also ordered pizza, because I was too lazy to cook, so I was trying to stay a wake and wait for that to arrive.

My maroon 5 song playlist just finished as there was a knock at the door. Perfecting timing, delivery guy.

I opened the door to see Diego standing there all dressed up.

"You're not the pizza guy." I said, looking him up and down.

He laughed and shook his head. "Nope, but I brought chocolate and ice cream." He replied as he pulled the bag from behind his back and waved it in my face.

"Okay, thanks. You can leave the bag their and go." I joked.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me quickly on the lips and whispered "I'm going nowhere."

He picked up his bag and made his way to the sofa.

"So why are you here?" I asked as I messed around in the kitchen, pouring us both a glass of wine.

Diego was about to answer when there was a knock at the door.

"You know what, answer me later, that's probably the pizza guy. Could you get that?"

"I would, but I don't think that's a good idea because we aren't supposed to be seen together.

"No you're right," I sighed, "come here and pour the drinks and I'll open the door."

"Yes boss!" He joked.

I placed the pizza on the table in front of the sofa and sat under my blanket again next to Diego, who had managed to squirm his way under my blanket. Not that I minded.

"Oooh! What are we having?" He asked as he went to get a slice of pizza.

I playfully slapped his hand away. "I'm having pepperoni pizza." I teased.

Diego put his sulking face on and I immediately gave in and passed him a slice of pizza.

It was perfect. I was under the blanket with him, practically sitting on him, his arm around my waist, watching romantic films with the chocolate and ice cream he brought me, with a glass of wine, just talking about whatever came to mind.

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