Let the world know

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"How do you and Diego do it?" Asked Cande, who was stood next to me staring across at Diego.

"We're fine, I mean we parted on good terms, we have no hard feelings." I had know idea faking a break up could be this hard.

"Well I know if it was me and Facu, I couldn't cope. I love him too much to see him happy without me." She replied casually.

I nodded to show that I understood. It was all so simple for them, they had nobody telling them they couldn't date.

"I mean I'd want him to be happy!" She laughed, "I didn't mean to sound so controlling!" She laughed harder.

"No, no, I understand! It does hurt seeing him happy without me." I wasn't exactly lying, I wanted to be there with him, laughing by his side. Seeing him this happy with the guys while I was over here missing him hurt me.

Cande gave me a sad smile and rubbed my shoulder sympathetically. "I've got to go now, my scene is coming up. I'll talk to you later." She smiled sadly.

"Yeah, see you later." I replied. I stood there alone for a minute, unsure of what to do next.

I spotted Diego Ramos stood over near Diego and decided I should go over and talk to him about our big scene coming up. The kissing scene. Germangie fans will love it, it's so romantically put together!

"Clari, hey!" He says, flicking through his script. "I suppose you want to talk about 'the scene'" he laughed.

"Yes, I do! So how do you want to do this?" I asked. But I wasn't concentrating, my eyes had wondered over to the other Diego, my Diego, stood behind Ramos.

"So it's a date!" I heard Diego say to Jorge.

"Great, I'll tell her to be there at 8!" He replied.

A date? A date?! Seriously?! He's arranging a date with another girl on set while I'm stood directly behind him?!

"So that's what I was thinking...Clari? Clara? You there?" Diego Ramos snapped his fingers in front of my face and I and I was back there with him. He turned to see what I was looking at and saw Diego stood behind him.

"It'll get easier you know." He smiled thinking that I was upset about him moving on, when actually I was upset that he'd arranged a date not long after he told me he loved me.

And it wouldn't get easier. People don't know we're still together, they can't know, our jobs are on the line. And to make things even better he has a date with someone else!

I just smiled at him and made up an excuse to leave and stood outside for a while.

I sat on the steps just thinking for a while.

What if Diego loved this girl more than me? What if he realised that dating her would be a lot less complicated than dating me? What if he leaves me?

The thought of Diego leaving me brought I lump to my throat and a tear to my eye. I just shook it off. It was too painful to think about.

"I thought I saw you come out here" someone whispered in my ear.

They sat down beside me. "What's up?"

I turned to see Diego beaming at me with his big beautiful eyes. He made me so mad! He doesn't even know what he's done!

"Nothing, Diego." I snapped back. I turned my head away from him, but he used his hand to make me face him again.

"I'm fine." I say, pulling my head back away from him. He can work it out himself.

He sighed and stood up in front of me. "Well if you're not going to tell me what's wrong..."

He slowly started to walk towards the door, I knew what he was doing. Trying to make me feel bad so I tell him.

"I'll go back inside..." He continued.

"Fine." I snapped.

Diego sighed. "Come on Clari, tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like this..." He pleaded.

"Nothing is wrong!" I shouted back to him. He gave me an 'I don't believe you look' and stood at the door with his arms crossed waiting for me to explain what was wrong.

"Oh and have a nice time on your date!" I shouted. I bet that wasn't what he expected me to say. I got up and ran right through the door he was holding open. I don't think I've ever moved so fast before.

"What? Clari, come back!" He ran after me, I disappeared around the corner, but could still hear him shouting.

I was furious with him and I had no intentions of stopping to listen to what he had to say. I hid around the corner from where he was stood, hoping he would run right past me.

"Diego, there you are!" I heard someone shout. It sounded like Tini.

"Not now, Tini." He replied, rather rudely.

"But we have to discuss-"

"Tini!" He said, cutting her off. "I'm chasing my girlfriend right now!"

My heart beat got faster at his sentence. The idiot just told our secret!

"Wow. You moved on from Clari fast." Snapped Tini, who was obviously not impressed.

Diego sighed. "No, no. You don't understand. Clari is my girlfriend. I'm chasing Clari!"

"Wait. Why are you chasing her? I thought you guys broke up?" Asked a very confused Tini.

"I'm chasing her because I'm an idiot and I love her. I just did something totally ridiculous and now there's a chance I may lose my girl forever, so if you know which way she went, please, tell me now. "

At this sentence I felt a smile widened across my face. I slowly came out from where I was hiding and walked towards Tini and Diego.

"Clara I... Did you hear all of that?" Diego looked rather embarrassed, I thought it was cute.

I smiled and nodded as I walked even closer to him.

"Look, what you heard... It wasn't what it sounded like. It wasn't a date like that! It wasn't a romantic date! I mean people were probably going to think it was, but it was supposed to be a cover up. Let me explain! I love you!" He exclaimed.

"No, you don't need to explain. Diego, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I should've asked you first...I love you too..." I whispered.

He gave me a smirk and I so desperately wanted to kiss him, right there. But I couldn't. So instead I decided to tease him.

"You blew our secret you big idiot!" I said as I slapped him on the arm playfully.

Tini saw that we were having a moment and carefully left us to it.

Diego pulled me into his embrace and my eyes were glued to his, our lips were just centre metres away and I could feel his breath on my neck.

"I love you Clara Alonso." He whispered. He buried his head in my neck and repeated his sentence. "I love you Clara Alonso." He moved my hair from the side of my face so my neck was bare.

Before I could respond to him he was kissing my neck. I knew it was wrong and we could get caught any moment, but I didn't care. I just let him. When he moved my hair back to its original place, my whole head tingled. I love it when he plays with my hair.

"And I don't care if the world knows I love you. In fact, let's let the world know!" He laughed. He moved his head away from me and looked me seriously in the eyes. He held my face in his hands and repeated "let's let the world know..."

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