Chapter 3: Scrapped

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Logan's POV

I arrived at the restaurant around 1:00 am, quickly unlocking the door and getting inside. The place was a mess. Tables were flipped and various items were damaged or broken.

"Oh no!" I yelled and ran for the office.

As I made my way there, I heard a loud metal clanking. I looked behind me to see the horrifying scrap Baby animatronic chasing after me. 

"Crap!" I gasped as I banged on the office window. "Let me in!"

Inside was Mangle and the night guard. They saw me and opened the door, Mangle pulling me in and the night guard shutting the door once again. The scrap Baby animatronic hit the door and let out a horrifying automatous screech.

"What the hell? Why is that thing active?!" I yelled and looked at Mangle.

"I don't know Logan, but I can say that it was stupid of us to even have a night guard knowing that she was in the building." Mangle said.

The night guard looked at me angrily. "You knew about that thing and didn't warn me?!"

"I left you a message. I gave you all the necessary information you needed." I stated.

Mangle stepped up. "No, somehow, whatever message you sent was gone."

"Yeah, someone else sent a message." The night guard stated.

I walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver. I replayed the message that was sent. He was right, it was not the message I'd sent.

"Someone's gotta be behind this." I stated.

"But how? The purple guy is gone, the timeline's reset, and there's no one else who knows about the past restaurants besides us and Mike." Mangle explained. "Who else could be behind this?"

I thought and thought, but she was right. There was no one else who could be behind this.

"For now, we need to concentrate on shutting that thing down before it kills us." I stated. "Anyone have a plan?"

They were both silent. I sighed. 

"Ok, I guess I need to make a call." I said as I pulled out my cell phone.

"You're just going to call the police?" Mangle asked.

"We're honestly out of options this time around." I said. "It's easier to just have her destroyed."

"B-but what if it's a soul?" Mangle replied.

I sighed. "Damn..."

"What do we do then?!" The night guard yelled.

"Michael, calm down." Mangle said calmly.

"Listen, I don't wanna die in this hellhole!" He yelled.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Calm down buddy, I know this is scary, but we have to get through this with a clear head."

He nodded slowly. "O-ok."

I walked towards the window of the office and looked out at the animatronic. She looked in.

"Hey, can you hear me out there?" I asked.

"What are you doing?!" Mangle gasped.

"Trying to save our butts." I said and returned my gaze toward Scrap Baby.

She leaned towards the window and tapped at it. "Yes...I can hear you..." She said in a childish tone.  

"Ok, good." I replied. "I understand that you're angry. Correct?"

"I just...want to plaaaaay..." She stated. "I'm aloooone..."

"If we open this door, do you promise not to attack us?" I asked.

She was silent for a few moments, as if thinking about it.

"I will play niceeee..." She said.

I looked back to Michael and Mangle. They nodded slowly. I opened the door and Scrap Baby made her way into the office, slowly.

"Play..?" She asked.

"Ok, but can we ask you some questions?" I asked.

She nodded slowly.

"Ok, first, why did you attack us?" I asked.

"Because you triiiied to leave..." Scrap Baby answered.

"Who sent you here?"

She thought. 

"I can't remembeeeerrrr..." She sighed. "Can we plaaaaayyy now..?"

I nodded. "What do you want to play?"

"Uuuuhhhh...Hide an go seek..." She answered.

And so we played with her for a while, at least until she got bored and fell asleep/powered down. The three of us sighed with relief and all slumped down at a table.

Mangle groaned. "Wonder if we could teach her to play Fortnite..."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I replied.

"What the heck is Fortnite?" Michael asked.

Mangle looked at him like she was about to kill him. He backed up a little in fear.

"Down, Mangle." I said. "Don't kill him over that stupid game."

She made the "I've got my eyes on you" motion with her hand to Michael. He gulped nervously. We all sighed again and looked at the clock. It was 5:50 am.

"Store's closed today, guys..." I said. "Michael, don't bother coming in tonight. Mangle and I will be cleaning the place."

"I don't mind helping." Michael replied.

I looked at him and smiled a little. "Alright. I'll still have you on payroll for that though."

"Good..." He said as he laid his head down on the table.

Mangle patted his back gently. 

"Welp, we'd all better get home." I said, standing up.

Mangle and Michael stood. We all headed to our vehicles and then drove home. Mangle hummed in the back as I drove the two of us home.

"Sorry I didn't come sooner." I said.

"It's ok, but is something bothering you?" Mangle asked.

"What gives you that idea?" I replied.

"Well, you seemed like you saw a ghost when you came into the office. And I'm quite sure it wasn't because the Scrap Baby." She explained.

"Hey, it's been a rough night." I said. "We've had phantom phone calls, a scary version of you, and a destroyed dining hall."

She giggled. "Yeah, I guess."

"Just don't worry about me and play your games until we go back tonight." I said.

"Ok Logan, I will." She said happily.

We kept driving home. I peeked into my rearview mirror and saw the puppet sitting beside Mangle. He waved slowly and faded.

"Keeps coming back to haunt me..." I muttered as I pulled into the driveway.

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